Tuesday, June 2, 2020

While the world burns, here's my concerns

Thankfully, riots are nowhere near my immediate family, though some of my friends and extended family are not so fortunate and I pray God shields them every day. And, even if that is not an immediate problem in my own vicinity, I must admit I still have other worries.

I live with my mother and help take care of a disabled father. While we've been fortunate to have no disruption in his home health care and we are all doing well at the moment, watching people elsewhere turn into riotous animals who believe it's alright to kill, steal, and destroy fills me with anger. However, unless they personally try to attack those I care for, in which case I will defend them via whatever means are at my disposal, their handling I believe is the best fit for the courts and the currently embattled police and auxiliary military forces deployed to assist them, whom I pray are able to suppress this civil unrest.

I also am dismayed that the people who are rioting are doing so while we are still reeling from economic downturns and a plague. Their actions are doing no one any favors and I hope a new wave of disease does not follow on the heels of their lawlessness.

Most of all, I pray for my country in general. Whatever thin pretense of wanting justice for a policeman showing ill regard for a detained criminal that resulted in death either directly or indirectly is now beside the point. What is has become is utter anarchy as those who want an excuse to wreak havoc are making civil disorder mushroom across the United States.

It's in these times, I pray for peace to return and that men may sleep peaceably in their beds, and hopefully Goerge Orwell's words about how that is possible since rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf becoming far less pressing than it does now.

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