Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Why I love knowing how to set up MediaWiki

 I write this for two reasons. One, to address all the people ranting on my blog comments (it's moderated, people, so if you are just here to give me grief, it never goes public, please stop wasting your time), and two to explain why I'm not bothered by not having any power over a public wiki, like how I got kicked off FANDOM of late.

For one, if I were banned from every wiki on Earth, that's fine by me. I accept being tossed off any website I don't own because they make the rules. At the same time, thanks to the ability to host my own local version of a wiki, I can just host my own copy for myself, edit in peace, and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

Unlike most people on hosted services like FANDOM, I am not bound to be doomed to not enjoy editing wikis because I know how to self-host my own local copy of a wiki. That means I could be banned from every wiki on the planet and still be able to edit one, all by myself. Sure, wikis tend to work better with more than one contributor, but that's no skin off my nose.

So for everyone who still feels the need to come here to gloat I've been kicked off the island, it means nothing to me long-term. If I can't edit a public wiki, fine, I can just make my own local copy and edit that. Unlike various histronic people who have public freakouts over losing social media access, I don't need to be part of any group to edit by myself, and I find writing a therapeutic exercise I do mostly for my own benefit, so editing by myself is perfectly fine by me.

That all said, please, find better things to do than fruitlessly try to post insults here. They will never be made public, and I don't want or need your approval for anything. Instead, I advise you find more worthwhile things to do that bring you peace of mind, it's far more healthy for you.

Monday, June 28, 2021

Just a few comments on the Byuu insanity

 I recently saw all that insanity involving that emulation tranny dev (yes, I used a politically incorrect word for the transgender, I don't care, I'm fed up with walking on eggshells with you lunatics) Byuu, and while you have imbeciles on Twitter and Reddit trying to DDoS (nice felonies you hypocrites) the Kiwi Farms and trying to blame them for murder of someone who has yet to be verified by a non-hearsay source to be dead or alive, I'd just like to mention a few things for all the spastics who are deliberately getting things wrong and to clear up things for the confused so they can get it right.

1. Byuu had a fairly dead thread on the Farms, like 13 pages, most of it not even all that mean, pretty civil. Byuu shows up a day or two ago, tries to bribe Joshua "Null" Moon with 120 grand of his life savings to take the thread down. Null wisely refuses, citing principle, common sense regarding legal issues, and instead offers to give Byuu employment so he has something better to do with his life besides obsess over an internet thread. Byuu flips out, threatens suicide, and Null tells Byuu he will not be extorted. Soon after, word spreads like wildfire Byuu (also called Near) killed himself, and the internet autism machine of social media immediately starts calling the Kiwi Farms murderers when all the facts are against that.

2. Misinformation of all sorts and the usual people buttmad the Farms has made fun of their PUBLICLY KNOWN ACTIONS combine to make them all build up the Farms as Satan McHilter the Babyeater, and you get all sorts of internet tough guys and skript kiddies threatening (and committing) DDoSes and violence against the Farms users.

3. The Farms laughs themselves into chest pain over this, further enraging the Twittards and Redditards. As a sweet bonus, they start doxing all the fools stupid enough to admit to creepy fetishes and being social and legal misfits while dropping their IRL deets like candy, further making the aforementioned idiots mad.

4. At present, we have a bunch of morons screaming about the Farms being guilty of bloodshed over something not legally proven for their own gain, as they really want it to be true so they can use the corpse of Byuu (who obviously was and remains mentally unstable) for their own personal vendettas and to virtue signal as if it disguises the fact they are all disgusting vultures wanting a man to be dead on purpose, not being sure if he truly is aside from some sources that amount to "dude, trust me".

5. As for me, I'm watching this entire tire fire and facepalming while being quite sure if Byuu is dead, these screeching fools are too busy wasting oxygen that could be used by more decent human beings trying to pin the blame on a party that is by all accounts innocent until proven legally guilty (and no, for the idiots from social media reading this, you are not the arbiters of legal guilt, no matter how much you want to be). If he's alive, then he's a craven scumbag who did this for attention and everyone who played the fool for him would deserve to be mocked even harder for being dupes for a ruse. Either way, I just find them all retarded and don't blame the Farms for laughing at them.

However this turns out, three things are clear:

1. Social media is still a trash fire that has given far too many village idiots a microphone and I'd rejoice if all vanished into thin air.

2. The alphabet mafia (the trannies especially) are absolutely insane, and why the world keeps pandering to mentally ill fetishists continues to disgust me and further robs me of any sympathy for their ideals even if I pity them as human beings.

3. Byuu tried to extort and bribe a man with a deal that was an obvious trap, and now he's either dead by his own hand or playing dead. Either way, he's the only real scumbag here, alongside everyone on social media wanting to use him as a martyr for their own gain.

Friday, June 25, 2021

I'm now no longer running either branch of All The Tropes

 Since FANDOM expelled me for good, and since for my own personal sanity and my belief I'm doing more harm to the other branch by proxy by remaining in any position of authority, I have stripped myself of any power (save the bureaucrat right, Miraheze staff need to remove that by communal consent) and have taken an indefinite sabbatical.

My official announcement can be found here:

If this becomes a permanent banishment from both, I will accept that if the community on Miraheze wishes it. I may have been one of the founders, but I won't oppose it if the community decides I've become a millstone or detrimental to its continuance.

As for me, I need to step away. I don't need the stress, the loss of sanity, nor the hassle of any more drama. I have the good sense to know I should walk away and this is not the first time I have had to give up power for the good of others. The one type of person I fear the most in this world is someone who craves power and resents its loss, and I refuse to be that type of person. Power is a responsibility, and I believe my exercise of it of late may have caused more harm than good, and while that was the result of me choosing to exercise my sovereign right to not be silent about what I considered unjust and immoral, I suffered for it and others have by proxy, and I'm going to do what I can to make sure it goes no further.

If that means surrendering power and not having any part in something I built, so be it, I can move on to other things if this becomes permanent. If I do return, whenever that is, it will be whenever any danger my presence might cause has long passed and if the community would want me back. Either way, I believe this to be the only responsible thing to do for my own personal health and for the good of others in the All The Tropes community.

Until further notice, my role there is at an end. Whether it resumes at a later date is uncertain, but until further notice, I will be doing other things.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Just to make clear where I stand

 Since I am now free of any attachment to an organization that will "cancel" for not going along with the mob despite my own conscience, morals, religious beliefs, politics, and personal creed, let me make my positions on a few things absolutely clear.

For starters, I am politically a classical liberal with some conservative sympathies. I'm a devout non-denominational Christian. I used to be a former "social justice warrior", but disowned that movement when I realized the modern-day version has nothing to do with true justice but is merely the new version of being a bigot with a false veneer of tolerance. If anything, they deem themselves able to hate, spit on, and destroy anyone they don't agree with using just the same venom as an honest racist, just the honest racist is HONEST about their hate.

As to several issues where I come off unenlightened, let me be clear on them:

1. Homosexuality/Lesbianism/Bisexuality

From a standpoint of Christian morals, I obviously do not approve of it and do not condone it in my own life, but if others choose this lifestyle (and yes, I consider it a lifestyle, I do not and will not ever subscribe to the idea one can be born this way due to my belief in free will, mental illness compromising this as the sole exception), that is their moral choice and I will respect their CHOICE as one they made based on their own values.

2. Transgenderism

I have no personal hatred of the transgender or those who claim this status. The only thing I despise is being told I must agree with their logic, platform, and beliefs and I must suppress my own opinion or be called a bigot.

As to my actual opinions, they are as follows: There is no true ability for a man to be a woman or woman to be a man. No man will ever be able to ovulate, and no woman can ever produce sperm or have a prostate gland.

So no, "trans women are women" and "trans men are men" is an utter crock. Putting lipstick on a pig does not make a pig a woman, nor does cosmetic surgery and hormones make one another gender, and I'll even explain why.

Be warned, frank discussion of some biological topics that may be disturbing ahead.

When a man gets female hormones like estrogen, they may change the body to develop more like a female would to a degree, but humanity has no natural gender-changing functions. A man cannot develop or support ovaries, the vaginal cavity, or any other aspect of the female reproductive system that is specific to women.

If a man decides to have his penis mutilated and surgically altered to resemble the best facsimile of an actual vagina, what they have instead is a wound that they must keep from swelling shut through dilation because, obviously, they have decided to make sure otherwise healthy tissue and body function is destroyed to resemble cosmetically what they will never truly have genetically.

Ergo, never try to convince me men can be women until we have the ability to change a man into a woman down to the genetic level on 1:1 basis, otherwise, all you are doing is an elaborate live-action role play involving bodily mutilation and mass inducement of hormones your male body was never supposed to support. The hormones in question cause erectile dysfunction and increase the risk of certain types of cancers because they are warping the male body in a manner that was never naturally intended.

Trans men are just women who have done the same. All they have done is cut off their breasts, go full tilt on trying to avoid any hint of being feminine, and much like the men who mutilate their perfectly functional penises to live as some parody of a woman, women who want to be men will get what is called a phalloplasty, which is basically a fake penis grafted onto the crotch that in no way will ever function like the real thing or allow them to impregnate a woman.

Ergo, transgenderism is a crock in what it purports to do logically.

Further, I consider it a mental illness, no matter how the transgender lobby has tried to get science to bend the knee. It is not healthy or normal to reject your own body, mutilate it, and try to be something you never will be while compromising your mental and physical wellbeing to live an elaborate lie.

I consider the current social belief otherwise to be based on quackery that would have John Money laughing from his grave.

And on a final note, most people who want to be "transgender" are typically the following:

A. Depraved, sex-crazed autogynephiliacs who want to masturbate to their own reflection.

B. Mentally ill people who need legitimate treatment who have tricked into thinking changing their body into a grotesque parody is the solution while doing nothing for their true underlying mental health issues, which explains why so many of these types are mentally ill and regretfully commit suicide at such high rates.

C. A mix of the first two.

The only thing I consider legitimately connected to the transgender identity/concept is those genuinely unfortunate with genetic intersex deformities due to legitimate issues beyond their control. They deserve medical and mental treatment to live the best life that is possible and are the only ones who have my genuine sympathy as being anything that is actually in NEED of surgery, hormone treatments, and so on to live a normal life. If someone not in this category decides to change their body to fit a certain gender with a clear conscience, is aware of the consequences, and doesn't try to force me to play along with something I don't believe in, while I hold to my position, they too will get my compassion for them as a human being if nothing else.

The rest are at, at best, deluded into believing in something as barbaric as the lobotomy, or absolutely depraved perverts with a pornographic fantasy they want to make a reality that will never happen as I have explained for biological and genetic reasons.

2. Gender pronouns


The only ones I truly believe in are male and female.

The reason is simple and anyone who can follow history will understand this. No civilization I can research HASN'T had some way of separating gender into male and female, with clear differences on a social and biological level for said status all revolving around the same basic logic since the dawn of history. The idea this is nonsense is a very recent invention that flies in the face of established science and logic that has stood the test of time up until the last several decades, when the idea one can discard these concepts came into being.

I do not have the time or interest to discuss why certain "other genders" are absolute nonsense, so I'll just cover one of the biggest ones which most of the others are some variation of.


The concept behind this "gender" is a tortured take on the logic of male and female-gendered behaviors. This gender purports you don't have to be considered male or female to do certain things and tries to take it to the illogical conclusion a woman can deny being a woman if she insists she's not one, regardless of whether she went out of her way to destroy or alter her secondary sexual characteristics or not, and vice versa for men.

This is sheer idiocy because, like it or not, your DNA does not lie for you and never will. While a man can play with dolls and a woman with action figures and there is nothing saying that's inherently wrong, it's utterly deluded to believe you can demand the entire world not clock you as male or female simply because you wish hard enough.

It's a belief founded in the same kind of fantasy young children have about being a superhero, and just as childish for adults.

To no surprise at all, I'm now "cancelled" by people who used to claim to like me

 This is something of an amusing follow-up to my previous post, but I just want to point out a few things I find funny.

Now that I've been exposed as some disgusting evil bigot because, LE GASP, I refuse the kiss the alphabet mafia's ring, I'm now getting all sorts of crap since I went against the hive mind, and they are responding much like this Babylon Bee satire (that is all too close to reality)

Since I'm now blocked, people are spamming nasty crap on my former talk page and doing cowardly backshots, and to be honest, I'm not even mad, I expected I'd get spit on for daring to offend people.

I'd like to thank Nerdshamer from the Kiwi Farms for archiving the best stuff, much obliged.

Anyway, here goes:

Ironically, this guy is giving me grief for not being more of a fundamentalist loon. Jesus said to give to Caesar's what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's, but there is nothing in the laws of Men or God to my knowledge that says I have like doing so despite my own conscience, merely that I have to obey. Ergo, I obeyed FANDOM decrees on LGBT stuff despite morally and ethically disagreeing, and apparently, even respectful dissent triggered someone badly enough I've been booted out for not kissing the alphabet mafia ring without protest. I was loyal, but I was not an absolutely mindless drone in my loyalty, and that meant I needed cancelled.

Now on to the other group who are giving me grief for being a bigot:

Now, I don't care who runs the place now. I'm out, I'm over it, not my problem anymore. However, despite that, people are seething they used to have a BIGOT running the place, for which another thread had to be created to contain the seethe.

Thing is, I'm an open Christian who writes for a Christian games review site under my own name. Any examination of my public internet history will make it obvious where I stand on many issues like this, so if they didn't bother to check on me until AFTER I was thrown out, not my problem, your ignorance is not my concern.

If they want me to apologize or back down, no, I won't, I stand by and own what I wrote. I promised the FANDOM staff I'd accept my expulsion like an adult and I will. As for those who do not have the spine or integrity to virtue signal about how I'm scum at a place where I can actually engage them in reasoned, civil debate and discussion, well, you do you.

As for me, I have other things in life aside from being woke I care about. Heck, I just got into Factorio, whose dev got crapped on recently because he too refused to kiss the ring of the mob demanding he sacrifice his conscience for their convenience, and if I may quote the developer of the game on this:

"Take the cancel culture mentality and shove it up your ass"

My FANDOM appeal was denied, my official statement on the matter

 "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." -C.S. Lewis

As of now, I am no longer the leader of ATT FANDOM. By the time I have posted this I have been globally banned on FANDOM for good, my appeal was denied. My faith it continues to be a good place to host a branch of our site has been irreparably shaken, and from this day onward I will never patronize their services as a contributor in any capacity because it is clear I'm never wanted back by certain parties within their administration, a fact that saddens me, but which I respect as their decision and ask anyone else who has any regard for me to respect as well.

The matter that triggered this was a blog post on the wiki detailing how I held some rather "politically incorrect" views regarding certain policies of FANDOM that I consider inane, foolish, and otherwise found abhorrent to my religious beliefs and personal morals (see my previous blog post). Despite the fact the post was written to make an object lesson saying that I would enforce their policies loyally regardless because I acknowledged they had the final say, my post was deemed so offensive it earned me a global ban with no warning whatsoever because I dared comment on something politically and socially charged despite admitting my personal feelings would not prevent me from executing FANDOM's wishes to the letter, and that I expected everyone else to be as obedient as myself to the same.

It has become more than obvious to me that mere obedience to that which one does not like is not enough, I must force myself to love and accept it, which no person, group, government, or anyone but myself has any right to demand of me. I serve the laws of the United States because I'm a loyal citizen, but I refuse to pretend I agree with them all, though I agree to serve them. Abraham Lincoln considered slavery a moral evil but one he had no power to destroy at the time because it was, at the time he came to this conclusion, legal. Under the same logic, I too serve laws I consider otherwise offensive to my morals and ethics, though that loyalty to the law does not mean I will ever refuse to tell the truth as to whether I approve of having to do so.

That said, that is a bridge too far, and I will never betray my own conscience for the benefit of anyone, anywhere, at any time. There is no legal, moral, or ethical reason to make me do so, and I would rather suffer death than be forced to do so. Since any further service at FANDOM (which is permanently off the table now by default) requires me, despite years of sterling service, to now betray my conscience, I must now stand apart from it because I was asked to step over a line no one will ever have the right to make me cross.

Even if I had been granted a second chance, I no longer have the confidence I can contribute to FANDOM in any capacity with dignity and honor regardless. As for those who remain, if you wish to leave as well, please do so quietly and peacefully. Make no trouble for FANDOM's staff. Like what they've done or not, it is their place, not mine, and they reserve the right to expel anyone they please, and I will honor that, and if you must cease using their services, I ask you to do the same. If you wish to remain, I recommend you be willing to accept whatever demands they make of you, and whether they are matters dire enough to make you feel you would betray yourself to remain is your decision. Regardless, if you remain, make no trouble for them whatsoever, so long as you continue to use their service at their pleasure.

I have left others with the power to take over and run day to day operations who have agreed to pick up the torch where I left off, and I will have no input on their decisions, they will be the new masters, I will have no input at FANDOM anymore, nor do I want any. According to their response to me, the community may vote on others to have my original bureaucrat rights so they may elect a new one with the blessing of FANDOM, please vote on whom you believe would best suit your interests without regard as to my opinion on the matter, your conscience on this will deserve and should be given my absolute respect.

That said, I will move on to other projects, and I can be contacted at other venues for those projects. I am grateful to the FANDOM staff who have regarded me fairly throughout and wish them the best with future endeavors. As for those who wronged me, I bear them no malice, and I hope my leaving them in peace is a benefit to us both.

Friday, June 18, 2021

I was recently globally banned from FANDOM, here is the offending post for those curious

 Reproduced below in italics. I have filed an appeal with FANDOM over this, but regardless of whether the appeal is accepted or not, here is the offending post that got my block done so there is no question what I posted that seems to have earned it:

My position on rules, both that I follow and I expect others to follow


I'm writing this blog post because recently, some people seem to be convinced rules, laws, and guidelines are things that can be discarded whenever they please, do not apply, and if they don't like them, they can ignore them.

That said, let me explain my take on this.

First off, as both an open Christian and a rational human being with firm cognizance of biology, I find being "transgender" impossible on a genetic level, since male and female are the defaults, with the genuinely intersexed on a genetic level being a ridiculously rare anomaly, and since the mass majority of the third group are nigh always saddled with unfortunate genetic conditions requiring some form of medical intervention to assist them in living a reasonably normal life, then if that's true transgenderism, then clearly it's not a good thing. Conversely, what people call being transgender in reality is generally pumping themselves full of hormones and getting cosmetic surgery to simulate another gender, no true inherent genetic alteration occurs on any permanent level that would lead to either male human being able to give birth like a female human or a female human able to produce viable motile sperm like a male and thus able to impregnate another naturally born woman, at least not at this point in time. On a related note, I consider the concept of other genders, on a personal level, absolute insanity, such as genderqueer, nonbinary, agender, and whatever other title you want to come up with because I only find male and female to make any rational sense, the rest strikes me as trying to redefine immutable reality without being able to do so, like someone knowing a hot burner will scorch their hand but wanting to believe they can wish away the pain and smack their hand on it anyway.

This all admitted, it is FANDOM policy that for people we have pages on that wish to be referred to as such, we are supposed to do so without letting our personal bias compromise that. It's a mandate from on high and I have no choice but to enforce it. As a Christian and as someone with basic common sense, I know I need to obey these commands from those with more authority than me, and I will enforce them, despite my own personal distaste and even disgust with them on a personal level, and I will gag down my reservations and enforce said policy with a will of iron because I owe FANDOM the space to host this wiki, and they made it very clear I continue to have any say at all on their good graces only if I have their loyalty and assent despite my feelings on enforcing their will in all cases they make clear have no room for debate or argument.

Ergo, there some rules I think are stupid and don't like, but in this case, I have no say in the matter, and I'm wise enough to acknowledge them and enforce them as if they were rules I created and agreed with wholeheartedly.

With that said, as to those who think they can flout my policy, common sense would dictate that, as the founder of this wiki, I hold all the cards here, and I generally keep my involvement to a minimum so long as my rules are obeyed, and I'm generally lenient with those who don't follow them as well as they should so long as they make the slightest effort to try and wish to improve. For them, I'm generally quite merciful.

But some think my rules can be absolutely ignored, me worthy of spit in the face for objecting, and that I should let them do as they please in blatant defiance.

In response, let me just say this: If FANDOM makes me enforce a policy I admit I find stupid with a rod of iron and I have no choice in the matter, then what makes people think they have any say when I have more say than them because I run the place and they post here at my pleasure and allowance?

That question is rhetorical, but for those who insist on saying "Why not?", I'll make it even more clear to you: If you make it clear that you cannot do as I do and gag down your contempt for policies you don't like and be a loyal follower of them because you have no say in the matter to change things, then you can leave. Life is not always fair, and FANDOM has only ever really pulled rank and absolutely insisted I do certain things a few times concerning things I've utterly despised, but they've always had ultimate say, so their word is the law and I will enforce it.

By the same token, I enforce what I consider some pretty fair rules, far fairer than TV Tropes, as I founded this place because I consider their policies too absurd and arbitrary. Even in the case of the above policy on humor the transgender and alternate genders, FANDOM has equally enforced it across their entire network as opposed to forcing a few specific wikis to carry it out, and I have to admit, that seems fair enough and consistent with the rest of their rules, which is why my personal distaste will have no impact on my willingness to enforce their wishes on that to the fullest extent of my ability.

If I can be mature enough to accept that, then when I make clear certain policies I pass are NOT up for negotiation (like no tolerance for plagiarism, which is a recurring issue and part of why I wrote this), then I expect everyone else to be mature enough to swallow their own contempt and accept these basic guidelines. If not, then you can go elsewhere.

A Farewell to My Father

 My father just passed April 1, 2024 6:36 PM. For those reading this, I want to make absolutely clear the world lost a great man named John ...