I was recently globally banned from FANDOM, here is the offending post for those curious

 Reproduced below in italics. I have filed an appeal with FANDOM over this, but regardless of whether the appeal is accepted or not, here is the offending post that got my block done so there is no question what I posted that seems to have earned it:

My position on rules, both that I follow and I expect others to follow


I'm writing this blog post because recently, some people seem to be convinced rules, laws, and guidelines are things that can be discarded whenever they please, do not apply, and if they don't like them, they can ignore them.

That said, let me explain my take on this.

First off, as both an open Christian and a rational human being with firm cognizance of biology, I find being "transgender" impossible on a genetic level, since male and female are the defaults, with the genuinely intersexed on a genetic level being a ridiculously rare anomaly, and since the mass majority of the third group are nigh always saddled with unfortunate genetic conditions requiring some form of medical intervention to assist them in living a reasonably normal life, then if that's true transgenderism, then clearly it's not a good thing. Conversely, what people call being transgender in reality is generally pumping themselves full of hormones and getting cosmetic surgery to simulate another gender, no true inherent genetic alteration occurs on any permanent level that would lead to either male human being able to give birth like a female human or a female human able to produce viable motile sperm like a male and thus able to impregnate another naturally born woman, at least not at this point in time. On a related note, I consider the concept of other genders, on a personal level, absolute insanity, such as genderqueer, nonbinary, agender, and whatever other title you want to come up with because I only find male and female to make any rational sense, the rest strikes me as trying to redefine immutable reality without being able to do so, like someone knowing a hot burner will scorch their hand but wanting to believe they can wish away the pain and smack their hand on it anyway.

This all admitted, it is FANDOM policy that for people we have pages on that wish to be referred to as such, we are supposed to do so without letting our personal bias compromise that. It's a mandate from on high and I have no choice but to enforce it. As a Christian and as someone with basic common sense, I know I need to obey these commands from those with more authority than me, and I will enforce them, despite my own personal distaste and even disgust with them on a personal level, and I will gag down my reservations and enforce said policy with a will of iron because I owe FANDOM the space to host this wiki, and they made it very clear I continue to have any say at all on their good graces only if I have their loyalty and assent despite my feelings on enforcing their will in all cases they make clear have no room for debate or argument.

Ergo, there some rules I think are stupid and don't like, but in this case, I have no say in the matter, and I'm wise enough to acknowledge them and enforce them as if they were rules I created and agreed with wholeheartedly.

With that said, as to those who think they can flout my policy, common sense would dictate that, as the founder of this wiki, I hold all the cards here, and I generally keep my involvement to a minimum so long as my rules are obeyed, and I'm generally lenient with those who don't follow them as well as they should so long as they make the slightest effort to try and wish to improve. For them, I'm generally quite merciful.

But some think my rules can be absolutely ignored, me worthy of spit in the face for objecting, and that I should let them do as they please in blatant defiance.

In response, let me just say this: If FANDOM makes me enforce a policy I admit I find stupid with a rod of iron and I have no choice in the matter, then what makes people think they have any say when I have more say than them because I run the place and they post here at my pleasure and allowance?

That question is rhetorical, but for those who insist on saying "Why not?", I'll make it even more clear to you: If you make it clear that you cannot do as I do and gag down your contempt for policies you don't like and be a loyal follower of them because you have no say in the matter to change things, then you can leave. Life is not always fair, and FANDOM has only ever really pulled rank and absolutely insisted I do certain things a few times concerning things I've utterly despised, but they've always had ultimate say, so their word is the law and I will enforce it.

By the same token, I enforce what I consider some pretty fair rules, far fairer than TV Tropes, as I founded this place because I consider their policies too absurd and arbitrary. Even in the case of the above policy on humor the transgender and alternate genders, FANDOM has equally enforced it across their entire network as opposed to forcing a few specific wikis to carry it out, and I have to admit, that seems fair enough and consistent with the rest of their rules, which is why my personal distaste will have no impact on my willingness to enforce their wishes on that to the fullest extent of my ability.

If I can be mature enough to accept that, then when I make clear certain policies I pass are NOT up for negotiation (like no tolerance for plagiarism, which is a recurring issue and part of why I wrote this), then I expect everyone else to be mature enough to swallow their own contempt and accept these basic guidelines. If not, then you can go elsewhere.


  1. As a bisexual guy fed up with the LGBT community and its death grip on every aspect of the media as of late, I'm really sorry to see this happen to you. Can't say I'm surprised though since the transgender community in particular is a goddamn sacred cow you can't even be slightly critical of without there being some major consequences. And you were still going to enforce the rules in their favor as well!

  2. Sorry that happened to you, Geth. Pretty much anything less than complete agreement with the current trans community dogma will get you banhammered from everywhere nowadays, and it sucks. I have slowly come to realise there isn't actually any evidence for the idea that you can be a male brain in a female body or vice versa, and this is considered basically the same as saying I think all trans people don't deserve rights and should die. Of course they deserve human rights and compassion just like all of us do. I just disagree with them about the basic biology. I'm not even religious in any way. I'm gay myself. But this sort of thing is becoming something you are just not allowed to think or say, anywhere. I don't want this to get long so I'll just say I hope you either succeed in your appeal or manage to work something else out. Peace

    1. Thanks for your response. I entirely agree everyone deserve basic dignity and respect as human beings, regardless of my opinion on their life choices and decisions. As you pointed out, I too am well aware on the current trans logic aforementioned, one must either doublethink oneself into loving and agreeing with it or be cast into the outer darkness. While the people who believe it have every right to do so, I won't betray my conscience for them even if I humor their wishes insofar as I'm legally compelled.

  3. I disagree with the other commenters - I'm not sorry you got banned. I think everyone should get banned from Fandom (or leave through the front door, either way) so that shithole can finally get around to collapsing and actual fandoms can pick up the pieces and set up shop somewhere that gives a crap about them.


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