Saturday, July 31, 2021

My take on Christian Weston Chandler allegedly raping his own mother

 This is not going to be an overly long post, but I just want to make a few comments and then I'll just watch to see how this whole nightmare unfolds.

1. First, as to the nature of the crimes alleged (as the proof seems pretty clear but as of this point no warrant has been issued for an arrest yet on any charge at the time of this writing), I am beyond horrified and appalled, as I would hope anyone with any morality would be, and if it's indeed as horrific as I've seen described in all particulars, I hope Chris is duly punished under the law if he is in fact guilty.

2. The above said, a certain group of scum has come out all over social media, most people like Chris who claim to be transgender or are sympathizers of them, who have had the idiotic brass to say we need to respect the pronouns of someone who may have committed a truly heinous crime and that misgendering is just as bad.

Here is my take on that:

Shut. Up.

Chris, by HIS own admission, only adopted the transgender identity to broaden his dating pool, much like many of the screeching deviants whining on social media. He, like them, adopted a mental illness that was never truly diagnosed (except by himself) by any legally competent medical professional, decided he'd solve his problems getting a girlfriend by BECOMING the girlfriend, and as the parasites on social media demand we cater to their illusions, adopted transgenderism as a shield against criticism, identity as a false minority built on a shared delusion held in common by a bunch of people who have a pornographic knowledge of sexuality and have decided to adopt it as reality and try to force everyone else to humor them, and generally try to excuse their every deviance and criminal act as something to be excused simply because they are "trans".

Well, I'm not playing along. Chris is simply a dumber and apparently much more depraved mirror of these people trying to live in a fantasy world where gender is a concept you can change like socks, and here's the ugly truth.

They have to defend him and pretend we should respect him. If they don't, their entire delusion falls apart because he's walking proof even the transgender can be depraved perverts capable of horrific acts, and if he's held to the same standards as anyone else, they will be on the same chopping block, and that's what really terrifies these sociopaths.

They adopted transgenderism as a shield, and Chris is living proof that shield isn't worth beans nor does it make being a deviant acceptable, normal, or allows reality to be distorted to excuse their actions. These people aren't concerned about the fact an elderly woman was likely sexually violated by her own son, all they care about is their own hurt feelings and how his deviance will reflect on them.

And they should be afraid. Like him, they too will never be actual women, and if he can have the transgender card be shredded and spindled as no excuse for his actions, the same can and should apply to them.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

I'm a very happy man now that I can buy Super Robot Wars in the United States

 Had you told me as little as two years ago it would be remotely possible to buy Super Robot Wars in the United States without importing, I'd have laughed at you. Sure, SRW since Moon Dwellers got English translations for Asian countries where that is a predominant language, but I never thought they would do more use that as a legal workaround for the nightmares of direct licensing in Western countries.

Even after the SRW devs all but admitted foreign sales of SRW outside of Japan were making bank and SRW T was blatant confirmation they noticed the Western fanbase and added content specifically to please them (G Gundam, Cowboy Bebop, and Magic Knights Rayearth were especially blatant evidence it was made with the West as much as the East in mind, and Captain Harlock is something both sides of the pond have fond memories of), I figured that was the best we Westerners were gonna get and considering the Switch and PS4 only required foreign accounts for DLC, that struck me as pretty fair.

However, SRW 30 can be bought on Steam, worldwide, with no restrictions except in what seems to be Venezeula, likely due to some obscure licensing issue in that country, not sure to be honest, but otherwise, Steam worldwide has no country barriers requiring VPNs and alternate accounts. You still have to import for the Switch/PS4, but it's basically the same game on all three platforms in terms of base content and DLC, so fair enough.

That all said, my fanboy heart is all aflutter because, outside of fan translation and imports, I never thought I'd live to see the day a series I was convinced was bound by nightmarish levels of licensing red tape would be natively available in my own country.

That in mind, I'm going to have a VERY happy October.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

I do not hate anyone in the LGBT as people, but here is what I believe about the ideology and beliefs of those in that community

 I'm writing this in light of the fact I've gotten some heat for the fact I've had some rather politically incorrect remarks to say about the LGBT, particularly the T, nonbinary people, and similar topics.

I'm writing this to clear the air for good just where I stand.

As to any human being who is part of this group, no, I do not hate you as a living, breathing member of the human race. You are entitled to dignity, compassion, and respect as human beings, and insofar as you are entitled to legal rights to do anything, I will not stop you and deplore anyone who illegally tries to trammel on those rights. I do of course have certain moral beliefs about homosexuality, transsexuality, pronouns other than male and female, and so on, but that is MY morality, you are entirely free to disagree with me and I respect your disagreement.

However, the following is an itemized list of things I do oppose or have ideological dissent over.

1. Being forced to censor or rewrite history to not hurt feelings.

For example, Caitlyn Jenner was born Bruce Jenner. Bruce Jenner, a man, won a medal in the Olympics. They may go by Caitlyn now, but they never stopped being a man to me, whatever anyone else thinks otherwise. The same goes for Ellen Page, now Elliot Page. They were born female and as far as I'm concerned, will die the woman they were born as, whatever gender they use for themselves or legal name changes to the contrary.

George Orwell warned that any who seeks to destroy all records of the past save the one they prefer was something to fear and abhor, and for reasons of conscience I could not agree more, and legally I refuse to doublethink myself into believing something false, no matter who demands I believe it to be true, and would rather die before doing so.

2. Being demanded to not hurt feelings on topics of moral principle.

As the above demonstrates, there are certain things I'm not going to change my mind on, even if you held a loaded gun to my head. If you were in my place and I asked you to recant a belief you were willing to die for, I'm sure those of you reading this would feel likewise. There is no legal or moral reason for me to betray my own conscience, and if I have to earn the love of the world or be able to sleep at night knowing I did not compromise my own integrity, I choose the latter.

3. Being told if I disagree with any LGBT topic, that makes me a bigot, no matter how I disagree.

This is pure idiocy. I'm a devout Christian, and even in the Christian community, there are tons of disagreements over doctrine. The age where religious disputes were settled with wars is long over, and everyone remotely sane on the topic knows if we have a dispute, and it's not reconcilable, we will have to agree to disagree.

By that token, thinking something about LGBT beliefs is wrong is not an attack on the people who believe it, it's a simple disagreement of views. I'm not going to shed blood over my disagreements, and I hope and pray those on the LGBT side of the fence are sensible enough to be just as civil.

If you want an itemized list of things about LGBT ideology I think are wrong and why, here is an itemized list:

A. I believe homosexuality, sex outside of marriage, transgenderism, and sex/gender designations other than male and female are morally wrong for reasons of religious belief and due to knowledge that humans have immutable biological characteristics that current day science cannot make a 1:1 transformation into anything else for homo sapiens. That's my stance and I'm sticking to it, but it applies to me only, I agree to peaceably disagree with those who can do likewise, but I won't recant that belief.

B. I believe hormones, puberty blockers, surgery, and all other current things used by those wanting to be transgender are nothing more than medical butchery at worst trying to make an apple into an orange. At best, they can let one do an elaborate live-action role-play of a male being a woman or vice versa, but they do not change the party they are applied to into whatever sex/gender identity they intend.

Further, I hold no hate for anyone who undergoes these things, I merely do not believe they do more than above stated. I also find it repugnant that taxpayer money pays for surgeries and treatments of this sort in some areas of my country because I do not believe at all the rhetoric they are "life-saving", rather I believe long-term they are life-destroying, and my disagreement is rooted in concern, not hate.

Puberty blockers are not something I believe children should be encouraged to take except for legitimate medical reasons relevant to dealing with actual issues like the medical condition of precocious puberty, simply wanting to delay development because you cannot decide if you want to be a boy or girl is madness. Despite the rhetoric this is supposed to be "safe", time does not cease if you do this, and I believe anyone trying to force minors to take these things for reasons related to transgenderism is harming children.

I further contend, based on numerous images online of butchered genitals (especially those who had their new pseudo vaginas/penises go disastrously wrong), the high rate of suicides and untreated mental disorders (or those made worse by hormones and surgery), and the overall prevalence of a lack of uniform standard of surgical knowledge for such "sex-change surgeries" that such an industry is an unregulated mess that is harming more people than it is helping and a combination of societal pressure and the greed of people in the medical industry willing to take advantage of their patients is simply allowing the modern horrors of the early days of medicine where doctors treated their patients like lab rats and that the transgender have been deceived into thinking their decisions to alter their bodies will be far less painful, quite reversible, or a panacea for all their ills.

If anything, due to a combination of moral, religious, ethical, and biological reasons, I believe the transgender "industry" is overall doing more harm than good.

C. I despise the pushing of not only tolerance of the LGBT ideology, but being told anything less than lickspittle compliance will result in real-world consequences.

So long as any member of the LGBT does not, in any way, infringe on my rights, I defend to the death for them to do whatever they please with their own bodies and their own lives, insofar as they do not threaten my life or livelihood if I merely disagree with what they believe on personal grounds while doing nothing illegal against them.

What I despise is how disagreeing with the LGBT ideology, no matter how respectful or reasoned, results in them trying to get people fired, gets them attacked on the street, has their name dragged through the mud, and has otherwise resulted in what amounts social suicide.

I disagree with abortion on moral grounds, but I would never countenance harming those who get abortions or those that perform them, either physically or by other means. I may not like what they do, but I deplore the idea of harming those I disagree with because many of the means of doing so are illegal, and the rest are, at the very least, immoral and unethical.

So my hatred, if I have any, is at the ideology that those who disagree with the LGBT rhetoric deserve to be deprived of their jobs, their legal rights, and in some horrific cases, their lives.

EVERYONE, even people I disagree with, are entitled to life, liberty, and happiness, or at least they should be, and someone disagreeing with them should not result in harm coming to any of those three guarantees, not only in the United States but ideally through the world.

D. I despise how the public media, especially social media, has encouraged the worst aspects of the LGBT.

I do not doubt the LGBT, as a collective, have some bright, honorable, and reasonable people in their ranks. I do not paint all of them beyond reason, ethics, morals, or sanity, despite any personal disagreements with their ideology.

I'm a Christian, and I will freely admit the Christian community has both its honorable members and absolute scum bringing disgrace to the name, which means to act like Christ.

Any member of the LGBT who respects the law, respects the right of others to peaceably disagree, is an asset to their communities and not a detriment (for reasons within their control, they cannot be faulted for what is outside of it), and who otherwise seeks to live a peaceful, untroubled life has my absolute respect because, by their example, they show their community can live alongside those who feel as I do and if we cannot get along, we can at least cause each other no trouble.

What concerns me, however, are the members of the LGBT who can be found especially all over social media who bring them into disrepute, whose beliefs and actions include:

Da. Advocacy of sharing frank sexual materials to minors and going on to graphic levels about frank sexual matters better shared in the privacy of one's own home. I'm no prude, sex is part of the human condition, but LGBT pride should not include pride in waving their genitals in public parades in violation of laws of public decency. It should not encourage men who claim to be women to demand access to the bathrooms and private areas of women and vice versa which is both violations of their health and privacy. It should not encourage open advocacy of depraved sex fetishes that constitute health and safety hazards like those involving urine, feces, sex with the intent of getting venereal diseases and spreading them to others, with or without their consent. And finally, it should not involve forcing other people to like or accept these things as anything other than abnormal.

I contend all the above bring the LGBT into disrepute and if they wish to show they can practice their beliefs without disturbing society, breaking the law, or violating the rights of others, these things should not be legally tolerated except in circumstances where they do not expose minors to such materials and they are kept strictly between lawfully consenting adults.

Db. If the LGBT community can be offended and outraged over their rights and legal expression being curtailed by politics, they should not try to visit the same on others in return.

For example, trying to force a Christian baker to bake something that is anathema to the Christian belief and trying to ruin their livelihood via the courts and via the passage of law biased towards their infringement on the conscience of others. If it is wrong for those of certain political beliefs to declare LGBT beliefs illegal and try to ban their expression, then the LGBT should not try to enforce the same persecution in reverse.

Two wrongs do not make a right. Chattel slavery was a wrong visited on the black race that was thankfully ended as a measure of racial prejudice as an institution, and if it was wrong for blacks to be forced into involuntary servitude for the color of their skin, then it is wrong for the LGBT-aligned to want to reduce those who disagree with them to second-class citizens forced to bend the knee to LGBT beliefs and ideology against their will and conscience.

Dc. Social media has become a tyrannical loudspeaker for the more unreasonable adherents to the above-stated negatives and has amplified their worst aspects.

Places like Reddit, Twitter, and Facebook, and many other social fora have become absolute, one-sided cesspits of the most intolerable of the excesses mentioned above, where all the degenerate that disturbs public order and breaks the law is celebrated and put on a pedestal. While I hold no hate of the LGBT adherents as people, I confess I find some of the most repulsive and depraved negatives (apparent and admitted) of what I can discern of their ideology to be like fetid mold on the bathroom tile of tweets and subreddits and Facebook walls. I will of course take no illegal action against the above, but I deplore how these places have become vectors for ruining the lives of their opponents via what amounts to public stonings via social media where they, often in defiance of rules against it (which is tolerated by fellow travelers in moderation positions on these communities), they organize doxing and harassment with the intent to destroy those who disagree, no matter to what degree.

I have seen more degenerate sexual imagery on Twitter (which allows people as young as 13 to see things meant for adults) by many of the more dishonorable members of this community than I care to talk about. Despite the fact a lot of this is easily accessible to minors, what I expect to find on porn sites is instead blared all over Twitter. In fairness, the heterosexual is not without blame, and those who are who join in also have registered my disgust. 

What I would desire, insofar as is legal, is the curtailment of minors to these materials as is possible to enforce by law, harsher punishment for using social media to incite or encourage persecution or abuse of those who exercise their lawful rights to the press, speech, religion, and expression, and sterner regulations so social media companies cannot allow such actions to take place without accountability if it results in real-world harm to others.

E. Finally, and I want to close this by bringing this full circle.

For my part, I wanted to have no part in the drama, the politics, and the debate on LGBT topics, until those matters became forced into my life and those I care about. I have nieces I do not want to be exposed to this community until they are of the age to lawfully consent to its more mature material. I have friends and family like myself who do not want to be forced to kiss the ring of this ideology to hold a job or otherwise pursue a productive life as a member of a civil society where the court of public opinion can ruin someone in defiance of the court of law. I do not want to be forced to love any aspect of the LGBT creed or belief any more than I'm sure they would want to be forced to go along with my own beliefs.

And that's that. If you are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Nonbinary, or whatever else that is included in that that is not inherently a crime to practice, then I believe you as people deserve my compassion and respect as human beings. As for your beliefs, I do not agree with them, but I will defend your lawful expression of them, all I ask is you return the favor. As for any beliefs I do hold, I will not recant or apologize for them insofar as their mere expression does not constitute a legal crime by its mere existence, and all I ask is the same of your beliefs.

To be even briefer: To all who adhere to LGBT belief, I'm not a bigot, I simply choose to disagree, and you are free to do likewise. I just hope we can do so peacefully and lawfully on both sides.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

The LGBT mafia is stupidly driving all the people who are actually tolerant away, here's why

 Of late, the LGBT crew (and I forget all the other letters they usually tack on to it), and even then mostly the T especially, have gotten incredibly vocal about wiping out all opposition to their agenda, even in the United States, where there are ironclad legal barriers in place to give everyone the legal and moral right to peaceably disagree with them. As an American citizen, I'm stunned how some of these lunatics, as recent as my last few blog posts, in fact, have had the derangement to call me, of all people a bigot.

Yes, you heard that right, a bigot.

I consider that both hilarious and mind bendingly stupid, when, and I will quote something I posted in a Discord discussion I said about myself, this:

The most messed up thing is I've long been one of the most tolerant people on the planet, even of things I morally despise so long as it's not criminal. Have a sex fetish? Cool, just be lawfully consenting adults and keep it discreet. Gay marriage? Fine, do what you gotta do, it does not infringe on my rights to let it happen by it's mere existence. Wanna "sex-change"? Well, I think it's medically unethical mutilation of the body with hormones and surgery to do a bad LARP of something humans were never designed to do (change gender down to the genetic level), but it's your body, and if you can lawfully consent, you can take the risk. Apparently, that isn't enough to be tolerant anymore, I have to shut up about any personal misgivings I have on the topic, and I'd rather die than give up a right I'm guaranteed by the laws of both God and Man.

Despite being willing to accept all the above so long as my own rights were respected too, now, I'm being asked to go a bridge too far and silence myself when my right to express myself in a lawful manner on things I disagree with for reasons of conscience, moral principle, and religious belief is protected by the laws of the United States. If that means I wish to say I don't believe in any pronouns other than male or female in regards to gender or I think being transgender is a contradiction (since humans have no natural gender-changing functions and hormones and surgery do not provide this ability either), then no, I will not be silent about it, so long as I have a legal right to say it. And if that legal right was taken away, I still would not be silent until I was killed for refusal to recant.

This said, let me address everyone whose feelings are hurt: I won't try to stop anyone from the legal exercise of things I despise or cannot condone for moral or other reasons, and I will take no illegal actions to stop it, but I reserve, and as a US citizen are guaranteed, the legal right to not go along with something, so long as my dissent is civil and peaceful.

If you want to call me a bigot for that, then congratulations, you are the real bigots if civil dissent is bigotry. What you want is mindless obedience and smiles painted on my soul, not the bare minimum legal tolerance I'm obligated to provide you, and you will get exactly what I'm obligated to provide and nothing more. I stubbornly and defiantly refuse to betray my own conscience, no matter whom that might upset, and if you do not like that, then I could care less because I legally do not have to care. And even if I did, I would still refuse to give up my own morals to please others for things I believed went against my conscience. For those who are reading this who think the above-expressed views are offensive, you'd have the same stubborn contempt I would if I demanded you be silent about your objections to what you like, just like I would, and you'd cry your right to free expression was being violated in my place.

That said, do whatever you please, but I reserve the right to hold my own opinions, positive or negative, at my discretion, and even if I did not live in a country where such was a guaranteed legal right, I'd still rather die than lie to myself to please anyone.

Before I close this out, this was inspired by all the raging butthurt I've gotten from some rather galaxy-brained people sending me nasty comments on my blog. It's moderated, and nothing goes up unless I approve, and if you just want to not give my views a fair hearing and be civil in your dissent, then I reserve the right to make sure your comments never go public. If you want to be civil and comment with the same level of legal tolerance I'd be obligated to show in a face-to-face meeting in real life, then I will happily make your comments public and respond appropriately.

A Farewell to My Father

 My father just passed April 1, 2024 6:36 PM. For those reading this, I want to make absolutely clear the world lost a great man named John ...