Thursday, July 8, 2021

The LGBT mafia is stupidly driving all the people who are actually tolerant away, here's why

 Of late, the LGBT crew (and I forget all the other letters they usually tack on to it), and even then mostly the T especially, have gotten incredibly vocal about wiping out all opposition to their agenda, even in the United States, where there are ironclad legal barriers in place to give everyone the legal and moral right to peaceably disagree with them. As an American citizen, I'm stunned how some of these lunatics, as recent as my last few blog posts, in fact, have had the derangement to call me, of all people a bigot.

Yes, you heard that right, a bigot.

I consider that both hilarious and mind bendingly stupid, when, and I will quote something I posted in a Discord discussion I said about myself, this:

The most messed up thing is I've long been one of the most tolerant people on the planet, even of things I morally despise so long as it's not criminal. Have a sex fetish? Cool, just be lawfully consenting adults and keep it discreet. Gay marriage? Fine, do what you gotta do, it does not infringe on my rights to let it happen by it's mere existence. Wanna "sex-change"? Well, I think it's medically unethical mutilation of the body with hormones and surgery to do a bad LARP of something humans were never designed to do (change gender down to the genetic level), but it's your body, and if you can lawfully consent, you can take the risk. Apparently, that isn't enough to be tolerant anymore, I have to shut up about any personal misgivings I have on the topic, and I'd rather die than give up a right I'm guaranteed by the laws of both God and Man.

Despite being willing to accept all the above so long as my own rights were respected too, now, I'm being asked to go a bridge too far and silence myself when my right to express myself in a lawful manner on things I disagree with for reasons of conscience, moral principle, and religious belief is protected by the laws of the United States. If that means I wish to say I don't believe in any pronouns other than male or female in regards to gender or I think being transgender is a contradiction (since humans have no natural gender-changing functions and hormones and surgery do not provide this ability either), then no, I will not be silent about it, so long as I have a legal right to say it. And if that legal right was taken away, I still would not be silent until I was killed for refusal to recant.

This said, let me address everyone whose feelings are hurt: I won't try to stop anyone from the legal exercise of things I despise or cannot condone for moral or other reasons, and I will take no illegal actions to stop it, but I reserve, and as a US citizen are guaranteed, the legal right to not go along with something, so long as my dissent is civil and peaceful.

If you want to call me a bigot for that, then congratulations, you are the real bigots if civil dissent is bigotry. What you want is mindless obedience and smiles painted on my soul, not the bare minimum legal tolerance I'm obligated to provide you, and you will get exactly what I'm obligated to provide and nothing more. I stubbornly and defiantly refuse to betray my own conscience, no matter whom that might upset, and if you do not like that, then I could care less because I legally do not have to care. And even if I did, I would still refuse to give up my own morals to please others for things I believed went against my conscience. For those who are reading this who think the above-expressed views are offensive, you'd have the same stubborn contempt I would if I demanded you be silent about your objections to what you like, just like I would, and you'd cry your right to free expression was being violated in my place.

That said, do whatever you please, but I reserve the right to hold my own opinions, positive or negative, at my discretion, and even if I did not live in a country where such was a guaranteed legal right, I'd still rather die than lie to myself to please anyone.

Before I close this out, this was inspired by all the raging butthurt I've gotten from some rather galaxy-brained people sending me nasty comments on my blog. It's moderated, and nothing goes up unless I approve, and if you just want to not give my views a fair hearing and be civil in your dissent, then I reserve the right to make sure your comments never go public. If you want to be civil and comment with the same level of legal tolerance I'd be obligated to show in a face-to-face meeting in real life, then I will happily make your comments public and respond appropriately.

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