More of my favorite Girls Frontline designs

I'd like to cover some more of favorite character designs from Girls Frontline

1. TEC-9

TEC-9 is based off the infamous semi-automatic associated with crime in the 1990's United States (and can be used in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas), I like how her character design is basically a female version of The Punisher, who is the epitome of edgy 1990's in design himself.

2. P226

The SIG Sauer P226 was a pistol favored by the US Navy Seals as opposed to more standard Beretta M9 used by most of the US forces, at least until it was retired in 2015. Her character model features both a reinforced life vest/sailor skirt and she carries a seal plushie in reference to this. Aside from the fact the model of SIG she carries is not the same as the SEAL variant, I otherwise dig the naval references in her design.

3. Jericho

The Jericho is an Israeli derivative of the CZ-75 pistol, only it has a different barrel and heavier frame. It's still in use by the IWI and is available for export in all steel and polymer finish. Her design reflects her Israeli origins with the Star of David head ribbon and she has a classy "lady of war" style to her uniform, and that walking stick (which she uses apparently for looking classy/emergency club) just tends to lend to her "woman who could kick your ass" look. Cowboy Bebop fans will recognize her gun as the one favored by series protagonist Spike Spiegel.

4. Grizzly MK V

The LAR Grizzly Win Mag MK V is essentially the big brother of the M1911 in terms of the overall design, and while capable of .45 Winchester Magnum, it can use the heavy-duty .50 AE round as well. Her overall character design is basically "1980's cop movie protagonist", which is appropriate, as the gun design was conceived during the same era. The Grizzly part of the name gets more focus with her alternate kid skin, which has her wear cute bear ears. The cop references continue through the same with Kid Grizzly being a fan of donuts.


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