Girls Frontline: The game that has continued to pleasantly surprise me

Awhile back, I reviewed Girls Frontline for ChristCenteredGamer, and while I gave it good review even then, that series has continued to surprise and amaze me.

For one, I'm an amateur gun nerd. Not exactly the kind of guy you'll find haunting gun forums, but I can appreciate firearms lore, and Girls Frontline manages to sneak in a ton of that.

The community for it is pretty awesome. It's one of the better gaming communities, the main subreddit is a pretty chill place patronized by the developers at times, and speaking of the developers, they maintain a very warm relationship with the fans.

The game is produced by a Chinese developer, and while a lot of Chinese game developers and companies tend to have a bad reputation in some circles, Mica continues to surprise me by making a game where you do NOT have to spend a dime to have fun and I usually don't, though you are free to do that is whaling for costumes and other cool swag is your thing.

Another thing I like is how the developers are very generous as apologies for any mistakes on their part. They once made screwups so bad over a period of several days they fell all over themselves apologizing for and fixing promptly I was almost willing to hand back the horde of free game resources they gave players as an apology. Not that that would have been possible, but their willingness to admit fault for making problems for gamers that need to be fixed is worthy of emulation by everyone in the gaming industry.

Another pleasant surprise is that despite the cutesy "anthropomorphized guns as android girls" premise, the gameplay is some deep strategy for a mobile game. How you set up combat teams, what gear you give them, and how you set up their support is critical if you really want to master the game, and the developers keep adding need things that add more strategy goodness to the game. Recently, English players got HOCs (Heavy Artillery Companies), and they serve a fun addition as fire support for regular combat teams that can be very good for defense missions and whaling on armored enemy teams if you plan it right.

I also am pleased to note the developers admitted awhile back they never expected this game to be as successful as it has been, but since it's printed money for the longest time, they have spent lots of time adding to a game they admitted was once going to be far less ambitious than it is now, they even are remaking the sequel they planned for it because they decided they were going to ignore any limits on their reaching for the stars. Personally, I'm glad they did, because it's been a fun ride.

Just wanted to end this post by saying I'm proud to say I'm a Shikikan (aka Commander) for this game, and I look forward to giving it a whirl every day because this wild ride has been fun and I still want to see where Mica can take me next with it,


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