Saturday, February 29, 2020

Coronavirus: Why It's Nothing to Panic Over

I've seen a ton of people going Chicken Little over COVID-19 outside of China, and frankly, it's inane panic I refuse to indulge.

First off, this is not the Dark Ages. Humanity has gotten to the point a nasty strain of influenza is not going to be the death knell of civilization. The Spanish Flu was pretty bad after World War I and killed more people than most battlefields did, but we've gotten a lot better at handling disease since.

I won't deny it's foolish not to see a doctor if you think you contracted it. By all means, seek IMMEDIATE medical attention, but otherwise, don't assume you are at super high risk if you live outside China unless you travel frequently and have a reasonable chance of crossing paths with someone who is from that area or you've spent a lot of time on planes with people who have been to areas where those who caught it are high.

And unlike all the people who are hyperventilating about it being a superweapon or some intentional disease that escape some Chinese biolab,  I consider that a steaming load of garbage without actual proof, and given how ineptly this has been handled by them thus far, they'd have to be a lot more competent in having a contingency plan that should've worked a lot sooner for me to believe this was deliberate.

That said, I don't believe it beyond reason information is being suppressed by the Chinese government because they are obviously embarrassed this has made them look weak and it's kneecapped trade from a critical crossroads for commerce. This is a situation where there is more long and short-term gain from honesty, but I don't doubt files are being shredded and mouths are being silenced because China has a tendency to not want to look weak.

However, until I have more evidence, I'm assuming incompetence and arrogance are at play, not malice aforethought.

On the medical side, I have no doubt this is going to be particularly nasty where it originated, but viral outbreaks tend to trend downward the farther they spread, and unless medical organizations the world over prove stunningly inept at the most basic prudence, this will burn itself out.

As for me, I'm fine with acknowledging my mortality, and if something kills me, I'm going to accept it, even if this coronavirus, but I doubt it will be my end. I refuse to just lay down and die for whatever will be my end if I have a choice, and given this can be contained and treated, I have no doubt there is far more smoke than actual fire at the source of this scare.

Until it ends though, I still encourage people be prudent, but I also encourage them not to panic, this will burn itself out, we will all move on with our lives.

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