Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Why I love knowing how to set up MediaWiki

 I write this for two reasons. One, to address all the people ranting on my blog comments (it's moderated, people, so if you are just here to give me grief, it never goes public, please stop wasting your time), and two to explain why I'm not bothered by not having any power over a public wiki, like how I got kicked off FANDOM of late.

For one, if I were banned from every wiki on Earth, that's fine by me. I accept being tossed off any website I don't own because they make the rules. At the same time, thanks to the ability to host my own local version of a wiki, I can just host my own copy for myself, edit in peace, and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

Unlike most people on hosted services like FANDOM, I am not bound to be doomed to not enjoy editing wikis because I know how to self-host my own local copy of a wiki. That means I could be banned from every wiki on the planet and still be able to edit one, all by myself. Sure, wikis tend to work better with more than one contributor, but that's no skin off my nose.

So for everyone who still feels the need to come here to gloat I've been kicked off the island, it means nothing to me long-term. If I can't edit a public wiki, fine, I can just make my own local copy and edit that. Unlike various histronic people who have public freakouts over losing social media access, I don't need to be part of any group to edit by myself, and I find writing a therapeutic exercise I do mostly for my own benefit, so editing by myself is perfectly fine by me.

That all said, please, find better things to do than fruitlessly try to post insults here. They will never be made public, and I don't want or need your approval for anything. Instead, I advise you find more worthwhile things to do that bring you peace of mind, it's far more healthy for you.


  1. I don't know if it's so much as gloating as it is a life lesson. Having been part of that specific discussion, I know for a fact that the new Tropedia crew is using your story as a cautionary tale. Anyone with an eye on moving up the ranks is going to have to go through some serious testing before they get the torch.

    1. Then we'll have to agree to disagree. As for me, I apologize for absolutely nothing and wish them all the best in managing the place. It's not my responsibility anymore. And given that testing means bending to the will of certain ideologies or explusion for wrongthink, then I feel even less guilt for anything I've done and hold my head up with unabashed pride in it.


Asiago Pressato, Pecorino Calabrese, and Green Wax Irish Cheddar, my impressions

 It's been a while since my last cheese review, so let's make up for that, shall we? This time I ordered a pound each of Asiago Pres...