Monday, June 28, 2021

Just a few comments on the Byuu insanity

 I recently saw all that insanity involving that emulation tranny dev (yes, I used a politically incorrect word for the transgender, I don't care, I'm fed up with walking on eggshells with you lunatics) Byuu, and while you have imbeciles on Twitter and Reddit trying to DDoS (nice felonies you hypocrites) the Kiwi Farms and trying to blame them for murder of someone who has yet to be verified by a non-hearsay source to be dead or alive, I'd just like to mention a few things for all the spastics who are deliberately getting things wrong and to clear up things for the confused so they can get it right.

1. Byuu had a fairly dead thread on the Farms, like 13 pages, most of it not even all that mean, pretty civil. Byuu shows up a day or two ago, tries to bribe Joshua "Null" Moon with 120 grand of his life savings to take the thread down. Null wisely refuses, citing principle, common sense regarding legal issues, and instead offers to give Byuu employment so he has something better to do with his life besides obsess over an internet thread. Byuu flips out, threatens suicide, and Null tells Byuu he will not be extorted. Soon after, word spreads like wildfire Byuu (also called Near) killed himself, and the internet autism machine of social media immediately starts calling the Kiwi Farms murderers when all the facts are against that.

2. Misinformation of all sorts and the usual people buttmad the Farms has made fun of their PUBLICLY KNOWN ACTIONS combine to make them all build up the Farms as Satan McHilter the Babyeater, and you get all sorts of internet tough guys and skript kiddies threatening (and committing) DDoSes and violence against the Farms users.

3. The Farms laughs themselves into chest pain over this, further enraging the Twittards and Redditards. As a sweet bonus, they start doxing all the fools stupid enough to admit to creepy fetishes and being social and legal misfits while dropping their IRL deets like candy, further making the aforementioned idiots mad.

4. At present, we have a bunch of morons screaming about the Farms being guilty of bloodshed over something not legally proven for their own gain, as they really want it to be true so they can use the corpse of Byuu (who obviously was and remains mentally unstable) for their own personal vendettas and to virtue signal as if it disguises the fact they are all disgusting vultures wanting a man to be dead on purpose, not being sure if he truly is aside from some sources that amount to "dude, trust me".

5. As for me, I'm watching this entire tire fire and facepalming while being quite sure if Byuu is dead, these screeching fools are too busy wasting oxygen that could be used by more decent human beings trying to pin the blame on a party that is by all accounts innocent until proven legally guilty (and no, for the idiots from social media reading this, you are not the arbiters of legal guilt, no matter how much you want to be). If he's alive, then he's a craven scumbag who did this for attention and everyone who played the fool for him would deserve to be mocked even harder for being dupes for a ruse. Either way, I just find them all retarded and don't blame the Farms for laughing at them.

However this turns out, three things are clear:

1. Social media is still a trash fire that has given far too many village idiots a microphone and I'd rejoice if all vanished into thin air.

2. The alphabet mafia (the trannies especially) are absolutely insane, and why the world keeps pandering to mentally ill fetishists continues to disgust me and further robs me of any sympathy for their ideals even if I pity them as human beings.

3. Byuu tried to extort and bribe a man with a deal that was an obvious trap, and now he's either dead by his own hand or playing dead. Either way, he's the only real scumbag here, alongside everyone on social media wanting to use him as a martyr for their own gain.


  1. One, Byuu/Near was non-binary, not trans. Two, they went by "they", not "he", so you should call them "they", too. Even if they were as awful as you say they were, you shouldn't misgender them.

    1. Non-binary and transgender are both oxymoron's at the end of the day. You can claim to be neither male or female, but you can't change your DNA nor whether you were born certain male or female specific body parts. I do believe intersex exists, but that is a very rare medical condition, not the rule. Whatever they were, they did at one point admit to taking hormone treatments that are popular for the sex-change crowd, which makes no sense if you want to be so androgynous you cannot be clocked as either gender.

      Finally, they were born male and they will die male. Their DNA will register as male and their skeletal structure will be identifiable as distinctly male. If you want me to respect any pronouns other than male and female, I'm the last person who ever intends to do so, unless you happen to be very polite in asking me to do so, and even then I will choose if I want to or not. If I don't, put up with it.

    2. You're using the word "oxymoron" wrong. Oh, and even though they're connected, sex and gender are not the same thing. Sex refers to your genitals, but your gender is whatever you choose. Gender is always more important. Do you have any idea what people with gender dysphoria have to go through?

      And you know what else? "Politically incorrect term" is an understatement. The word you used is a slur. You're a bigot. I hope you're happy about that.

    3. I've always been a very tolerant person for years, so long as I was not forced to deny my own conscience or personal beliefs because it is my legal and moral right to feel any way I deem fit and believe whatever I choose to believe (and vice versa). If someone wants to be gay or trans, fine by me, but all I'm legally and morally obligated to do is not stop you, so long as you do not infringe on my rights in the process. You are demanding I deny my own rights to freedom of expression, speech, and religion (I'm an open Christian and my views draw from that) just to soothe your wounded feelings, which I would rather oppose to my dying breath than give up. If my exercise of free will offends you that much, I refuse to kiss the ring of your agenda for any reason, but I stand by my every word. On a final note, I have a post on this very blog praising the legalization of gay marriage and oppose any restraint of lawful expression, even of views and positions I morally abhor, so I find you have a massive amount of brass or ignorance to dare accuse me of bigotry.

    4. Look, I didn't say you don't have the rights for freedom of speech. You deliberately used the slur "tr*nny". By definition, that is not "tolerant". I've seen some of your posts that say you're autistic, so how would you feel if someone called you the r-word? Oh, wait, you've used that word several times on this very blog.

    5. It's because I'm an adult and mere words, while vile and hateful, can be overcome. I hold no true hatred for anyone, but I find people who cannot have a thick skin are the first to scream bigot. The world we live in a cruel place, no matter how we try to move beyond it. The best we can do is not let ourselves be drawn into anger by mere insult and try to be better ourselves. I admit I still have a long way to go in that regard, but my advice to you is to quit letting mere crass language trigger you. Not everyone is half as nice as I am, and the sooner others learn to ignore the insults, the less effect they will have and if you never return the harshness, by example you can encourage them to stop.

      Calling them bigots and rising to their crudeness does not make anyone any better. If you want actual bigotry to cease, win them over to act better, rather than demand they cease to offend, as the latter is generally not half as effective.


Asiago Pressato, Pecorino Calabrese, and Green Wax Irish Cheddar, my impressions

 It's been a while since my last cheese review, so let's make up for that, shall we? This time I ordered a pound each of Asiago Pres...