Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Some information on how containment measures work in my state for COVID-19

I just want to note before I continue I have to this point been reluctant to share my IRL location, but I'm long past caring now. I also want to spread some actual information for people in my area about how to best combat COVID-19 that is accurate to the best of knowledge.

First off, I currently reside in the state of Alabama in the United States, which to my knowledge is doing fairly well in regards to COVID-19.

We have just over 2,000 cases of infection according to the latest results as of the time of this writing, and aside from a few counties with a serious infection, mine is fairly well off, though intend and advise others who wish to remain free of this disease practice all prudent measures to keep it that way until this danger is passed.

I can confirm medical personnel in my state are required to wear masks. My father is in hospice care, and when he is attended to, all parties who do so are masked and have confirmed their superiors are enforcing this strictly.

There is a 5pm curfew statewide. Nonessential businesses are generally closed, and essential businesses are enforcing strict limits on purchases to prevent shortages of necessary goods. Social distancing is strongly encouraged and to my knowledge, most in my state are observing this by making only needed trips and restricting things like food runs to what is strictly essential.

No one close to me has currently fallen ill, and I pray that stays that way.

I have no other information at this time of relevance, and I advise citizens of my state check for more information here:


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