Saturday, April 18, 2020

Let's Mock Racists: A sporking of the White Resistance Manual

One of my hobbies is to trawl the internet for crazy stuff to read, mostly because I have a fascination with the ramblings of utter loons and degenerates and I must admit I find them very funny. I recently stumbled across a copy of edgelord nonsense on written for a defunct white supremacy forum and it's so retarded I thought I'd share with the world my pointing and laughing at it.

Here's the original if you want to follow along.

In this post, I'm going to mock the intro to this tl;dr manual for the wannabe race warrior (the rest is garbage stolen from anarchists manuals, military stuff, and lots of instructions for building shoddy and dangerous homemade weapons. I'm skipping that due to length and not wanting to encourage their idiocy). Since this has a lot of racist language and cringey nonsense in general, please be advised what I'm gonna comment on will be peak facepalm worthy.

(original text in italics, my comments in bold)

As we witness the dawn of a the new millenium so to have we witnessed the birth of a new era of Leaderless Resistance in the struggle for White survival. No longer do we look to politicians and law-makers for a solution, they have been bought, their lips are sealed with green paper; they have grown rich and powerful through sucking the life-blood of the crumbling ruin that Western Civilization has become. However their power has come at a price; greed, corruption and sloth are the adornments of their wealth. This leaves western society in a position ripe for upheaval and revolution. We will cast off our wishful belief in democratic salvation, our votes will now be cast with bullets and bombs.

OW, THE EDGE. Sounds like every crazy screed ever written about da evil gubmint ever penned so far.

No longer will the yoke of race-denying, religious systems restrain us. As in the past we must rekindle a faith not in false, alien gods but in ourselves and our ability to struggle and overcome without prostrations before any Kosher world-deity. No longer will we allow the Jews to live like parasites upon the body of our race. No longer will we tolerate any Jewish influence in our political system, our legal system or our mass-media. No longer will our children be taught the suicidal and baseless dogma of egalitarianism and racial equality. No longer will we allow dysgenic breeding to damage the health of our race. No longer will we tolerate any non-White colonizers living and breeding among us.

The cringe is real. On top blaming der Juden for everything, decrying Abrahamaic faith legitimacy (a common theme amount Odin worshippers and other racists who advocate pre-Christian paganism), they immediately flog those age-old tropes about how white people are being genocided by racial intermixture and how liberal ideology is evil. 

In this new era we fight for nothing less than the absolute physical separation of the White race from all Jews and non-Whites. Along with this we will purge from our midst the traitorous and degenerate elements of our race. We demand swift and brutal justice for those who assisted in, or profited from, the murder of our Race and the colonization of our lands by non-Whites. May their time be short upon the earth.

OY, what edge. Did this guy walk in on some black guy making a cuckold of him with his wife one day? Otherwise, typical tough-guy rhetoric espoused behind a keyboard and an internet persona about how they plan to finish what Hitler started.

The purpose of this document is not to explain the Whys? of armed struggle, any White person with a pair of eyes can appreciate the desperate situation we are in as a Race. Anyone can see that this situation cannot be turned around at the ballot box or through negotiation and compromise, it will end in tears and bloodshed. Of this there is really no doubt. Western civilization will fall in a similar way and for the same reasons as ancient Egypt, Aryan India, ancient Greece, Rome and every other nation which failed to protect its blood from the poisoning effects of race-mongrelization. The situation is simple, a violent struggle will come about and if it happens soon we will win. If we are unable to coalesce our movement into a fighting force capable of initiating and seizing victory in this conflict within the next decade or so we will lose. To lose in this struggle means that the White race will be butchered by the sub-humans who have colonized our lands and our women and children will be brutally raped and murdered in the streets.

There is a reason the whys of this campaign to purge anyone who is darker than a tanned white person aren't explained: The logic is really very simple: WHITE GOOD, NON WHITE BAD, CAUSE REASONS! Sure, they'll dress it up with all sorts of rationalizations about why this is true, but when you cut through all the rhetoric, these types inherently believe white people are the only people who can be considered civilized and thus worthy to inherit the Earth, the rest need to die because whitey deserves the whole world and always has, even though that logic begs the question: "If that's true, how come these people existed for thousands of years before white people discovered them and no one was butthurt about it until they crossed paths with each other?"

My purpose here is to provide information on the Hows? of armed struggle. How to select or fabricate weapons useful in an armed struggle, how to manufacture, handle and employ explosives as part of an armed struggle, how to conduct a guerilla campaign and how to select targets according to their value to our movement.
In plain English: How to make crappy garage tooled guns and improvised bombs out of rusty pipes and crap from a hardware store that's more likely to kill the maker than anyone else, how to become a racist serial killer, and how to decide who to murder based on how badly they think anyone who isn't them will get upset over it.

"Out of the closet" Racialists, Cells and the Lone Wolf

There are two paths to choose from for those of us who take up the struggle. The first option is what I term the "out of the closet" activist. These individuals fight to the best of their abilities to spread the message of White survival and rebirth to as many of our racial kin as possible. These White activists use printed material, newspapers, radio, television and most notably the Internet to this end. These courageous individuals walk a dangerous line because the more effective they are the more attention they draw to themselves from law enforcement and from various other enemy organizations.

Just about every major city in the western world has a "Hate Crimes Unit" or a similar apparatus which works as a liaison between Jewish interests and the police. These agencies work to identify and build dossiers on White activists who are at work in the area. Their ultimate aim is to infiltrate any White activist group in order to:

- Gather incriminating evidence against its members

- Discover connections to other groups for further investigation

- Undermine, discredit and destroy these groups

This right here is the rationale separating the average poster on places like Stormfront from those lunatics like Dylan Roof. One LARPs about how much black people need to be riddled with bullets, the latter is the idiot who actually does the deed and is apprehended because they thought they were a holy warrior when all they were was a callow murderer who gunned down people in a church who were no threat to anyone. Somehow, though, just because the people these types killing most cowardly ways were not white, they think they are heroes for craven murder.

The second half is a pure delusion as to why white supremacists fail to do anything right. Groups like this generally undermine themselves by advocating crime because their own logic is toothless even to themselves if they don't. They can't resist the temptation to leave evidence and a trail because these types must prove to their peers they are not just a KKK cosplayer, they really do intend to shoot up synagogues and hang blacks from trees. Finally, all these groups offer is a utopian vision that is vaguely defined aside from requiring seas of blood to be shed to get to it.

These groups discredit themselves by coming off as bloodthirsty madmen who are bound by the negativity of hate, nothing more, no one else needs finish the job of destroying them that they do themselves just fine.

Undercover agents of these units will attend meetings and rallies held by racial activists and information such as names and descriptions of individual members will be obtained. The Hate Crimes Unit will also collect literature, posters and other materials distributed by activists. These materials will be analyzed for fingerprint evidence in order to begin to identify the members of the group. These fingerprints will be added to the files which law enforcement keeps on those involved in racial activism.

The next step in the work of the Hate Crimes Unit is to infiltrate the group in order to gather evidence of the commission of any crimes or any conspiracy to commit crimes by the group. This work is usually done by a lone agent but the use of two or even more infiltrators is not unheard of.

If no evidence of criminality is at first obtained the infiltrator will begin to try to push the group to commit a serious or violent crime of some sort or to provide him or her with the means to commit some violent crime and to help plan it. If members of the group are foolish enough to trust the infiltrator they will soon find themselves in jail. This type of activity by law enforcement is well documented. The "Forth Reich Skinheads" case in Los Angeles, the infiltration of "Combat 18" in England and the Grant Bristoe affair involving the "Heritage Front" in Canada are good examples of the use of an "agent-provocateur" to destroy White Nationalist movements and to imprison White men and women.

How is this process of law enforcement infiltration and sabotage to be prevented? It can be summed up with one simple rule… No one who is an open activist, known to the media and to police, should ever even entertain the idea of involving themselves in armed struggle. A real separation must exist between those who wage a war of words and those who let actions speak for them. Whenever the open White activist is approached about the idea of armed struggle, he must explain that it is his own personal choice to reject violence but that he also does not condemn those who take up armed struggle in defense of their people. In this way we can neutralize law enforcement use of infiltrators against us. 

The last paragraph in particular sums up the mindset behind this decentralized approach to being a killer. Basically, the author is arguing for the people who commit murders to separate themselves from open association from the edgelords who simply masturbate to the concept and to lie like rugs to make it hard for cops to arrest anyone.

The problem with this logic is two-fold:

1. This type of ideology proves toothless if you never act on it, and it's an ideology where prestige is earned by actually soiling your hands with blood. To be taken seriously in this community of murder based on racial hatred based killing, you need actual blood on your hands to prove you AREN'T a cop.

2. Because the first problem exists, that's why the divide between the edgelords advocating the murder of anyone they hate and the people who actually do it is nonexistent. To get anything significant done on anything more than a lone wolf scale, as these types ultimately want to do, they must coordinate their actions. Even the genuine lone wolves were at some point in touch with those who spewed racial murder rhetoric to some degree, and while they may not have put guns in the killer's hand, they all averted their eyes to knowledge of the party they egged on into committing murder.

Just as the "out of the closet" White Nationalist must be strictly non-violent, those who choose violent struggle must keep their identities and beliefs secret from all except those directly involved in the movement. This will be a difficult task, made increasingly difficult the more people are involved. For this reason we must employ an organizational structure of small "cells". Each of these cells will have only a few members and will be capable of taking action independently of the others. Only long time acquaintances, with history of trustworthiness, should make up a cell. A handful of dedicated soldiers (no more than 4 or 5) can create an impenetrable, cohesive and effective weapon against the tyranny we face. A single, highly motivated, individual or "Lone Wolf" can also take action on his own. This one-person cell will obviously be impenetrable to law enforcement, however the Lone Wolf may by limited in the scale of attacks he can mount.

It is precisely this type of cell structured resistance movement which the traitorous, power-whores who sit in the seat of government fear most. They have no idea how to deal with this type of movement, it has no hierarchical power structure so it cannot be toppled and its cells are too small and too may to infiltrate.

Every person who enters this movement must understand that we are a nation in exile, waiting to assume power in the vacuum which will be created by the fall of Western civilization.

Again, the last paragraph is key. These maniacs all have this delusion that William Luther Pierce's racist fanfic "The Turner Diaries" will end in white people triumphant, and all people who aren't white will be killed while their superiors run the world.

Thing is, no movement of this sort ever succeeded without an army ever. Actual armed forces capable of effecting this kind of demographic change cannot occur under this pipe dream of a command structure described above, so this is just pure fantasy that they are "nation in exile".

Citizens of this nation in exile are obligated to be:

Aware - The citizenry must educate themselves to a reasonable level on all the issues of concern to White survival. Our enemies must never be able to ask "Why?" without response.

Get a load of this crap. As I explained, their logic boils down to their skin making them somehow better than someone of another skin color.

Armed - The citizenry must posses weapons suitable for guerilla warfare and understand and how to use them with reasonable proficiency. In some circumstances this will be difficult but it is absolutely imperative that the citizenry of our nation be capable of seizing power when the time comes.

One thing these loons like to do is masquerade their intentions by cozying up to people afraid the government will take their guns, even though their admitted fantasy of one day giving the government utterly legal cause to take those weapons proves they have no business with them in the first place.

Prepared - The citizenry must be both physically and psychologically fit for the coming conflict. It is essential that the citizenry train themselves, like soldiers, and be physically able to fight, perform heavy work and resist exhaustion. Also, like soldiers, it is essential for the citizenry to purge any feelings of sympathy toward our enemies or guilt over the actions which we must take. Feeling of this nature are a symptom of the greatest evil possible in nature's design …weakness.

One hilarious canard these morons hold to like a life raft is that they are peak humanity and that to stay that way they must remain pinnacles of human ability and prowess in all fields of endeavor.

Hitler said the same thing, and he was a short, meth-addicted loser with a bad case of Parkinson's he tried to conceal who looked nothing like what he described as the ideal race warrior. You can bet the average person who reads this crap unironically is likely fat, out of shape, or in some way less than ideal as a physical representation of the ideal of the human race.

Control of Information

Hercule Poirot, Sherlock Holmes and Lt. Colombo are fictional characters, equally fictional is the concept that police detectives solve crimes by applying deductive reasoning to the clues of the case. Certainly crime-scene evidence and eye-witnesses are of great importance in police work but when one examines the reality of criminal investigations it becomes apparent that without informants, "rats", and confessions the vast majority of crimes would go unsolved.

Another cliche of these racial purity loons is that while they don't discount forensic evidence, they believe first and foremost it's people not keeping their mouths shut that screws them over the most. Ironically, they happen to be right, but it's a flaw built into their ideology. Believing in your innate superiority to another being means the urge to make that known to some extent is inevitable.

Essentially, their own ideology forces them to abandon stealth because it encourages their egos to grow unchecked, as they believe themselves gods among animals in regards to anyone who isn't white.

Police routinely offer cash rewards and set up "hotlines" to entice the acquaintances of criminals to come forward. Once police have a suspect in mind they will attempt to interrogate everyone around him, friends, co-workers, family members. With the use of threats, lies and deceit the police are usually successful in extracting information from these sources. Friends and co-workers will be told that they have been implicated in the crime by the suspect and will be charged along with him unless they tell their side of the story. Family member will be told that the suspect has confessed or that evidence proving his guilt exists and that the police want to act in his "best interests" and the testimony of family members would allow him to "get the help he needs". The suspect’s spouse or intimate partner will be told that during the course of their investigation the police have discovered evidence of the suspect’s infidelity in an attempt to break the unique protective feelings developed in an intimate relationship.

Control of information thus becomes the most vital element in the security of our movement. Information is more valuable than any material resource, it can make you rich or it can send you to the gallows. Even the slightest leak can provide investigators a new lead and they are tenacious especially when confronted with a difficult case. We must assure that no piece of information, no matter how seemingly irrelevant, is transformed from our secret into a law-enforcement resource. How can secrets be kept? How can information be controlled? Ben Franklin once said "Three men can keep a secret, if two of them are dead!"… this is a realistic assessment. We all have our own secrets, a dark deed committed alone, a childhood indiscretion, or a act of foolishness in our past which we shall never reveal to the world. These personal secrets are given a level of protection by us that can never be equaled by the swearing and blood-oaths which protect communal secrets. The truth will come out eventually in nearly every case, the best we can do for our communal secrets is to prolong their revelation for as long as possible. 

This section is both realistic to some extent and to some extent wishful thinking. While covering how police can acquire information on a suspect with a fair degree of accuracy, they have this naive belief they can keep secrets.

The problem is, they can't, they must share how they feel with someone or they are regarded as powerless in their communities and not to be taken seriously as someone willing to shed blood for the cause.

The author of this screed broke their own rule by distributing a document detailing their thoughts and actions and provided an alias and distinctive style of writing that can be analyzed for evidence as a starting point.

Basically, people cannot shut up about shameful things that could incriminate them, and these racist types are the absolute worst at keeping silent.

Here are some points to consider in the control of information.

- Share no secret which does not have to be shared. In military terminology this is referred to as the "need to know" and is applied so that each individual is given only enough information to perform the mission required.

- When confronted by law enforcement offer absolutely no information. Remember these five words: "I have nothing to say". Know your rights. Make no statement either written or verbal. Demand to see a lawyer immediately. Do not submit to any voluntary search of your person, property, vehicle or residence. Do not waive any of your rights or voluntarily allow them to be violated. The decisions you make when dealing with law enforcement are deadly serious, make no mistakes.

- Do not discuss any aspect of your guerrilla activities on communication systems which are not secure. Such systems include, telephones, cellular phones, faxes and e-mail. Even secure systems, such as digitally encrypted cellular phones and e-mail, should be used with great caution. Who knows what encryption Big Brother really can or can’t break.

- Employ the best encryption possible for computer files (including this one) which deal with racialist ideas, revolutionary struggle, firearms and explosives etc.

- Use "disinformation" in order to confuse and deceive law enforcement.

- Don't discuss your belief in violent action with anyone who is not directly involved in our struggle. Profess adherence to non-violence in public. 

These are all common sense tips, and I must concede they are wise to follow. The problem is, as I mentioned, the ideology they follow is a constant goad to attention whore to be taken seriously by their buddies, they will violate these tips with abandon as a result.

The Goals Of Our Struggle

We can identify four short and long term goals of our revolutionary struggle: To exacerbate existing racial tensions to the point where a situation of open conflict exists between Whites and non-Whites. We must also encourage violent racial conflict among the various non-White races within our borders. We can place no goal higher because none of the others can be completed without it. Only the violence and life-or-death imperative of an open racial conflict, a Race War, will rouse the majority of our racial kin from their sleep. Only racial conflict at this level will drive home the fact that the idea of a peaceful and prosperous multi-racial state is lunacy and only with the civil breakdown during a violent racial conflict will we gain the opportunity to proceed with the rest of our program. Our strategy must be to make all of the emerging multi-racial states as ungovernable as possible. Life must become quite a bit more miserable before "Joe six-pack" and "Jane tax-payer" will get off the fence. Our goal is to shake that fence so hard that the issues become quite clear to all of our racial kin. We must immediately begin to make it clear to the world that non-Whites are not welcome in our territory and will eventually face forced deportation or death at the hands of our growing movement. Our lands must no longer be seen as safe havens for the excrement of the world but as places of great danger for non-White colonizers. 

Translation: None of us are going to quit fantasizing about killing non-white people in droves until one of us somehow commits mass murder and gets away with it. When that happens, it will inspire the rest of us to quit playing the tough guys and do it for real. We'll eventually form a mighty army ready to slaughter anyone and everyone we deem an enemy, all it takes is for one of us to actually succeed in live-action roleplaying a successful murderer. None of us actually can because we are either utter cowards or keep screwing up because we are loudmouths who think we can take on uniformed police and soldiers with bravado and a belief being white makes us innately invincible.

The use selective assassination, arson attacks, bombings, sabotage and vandalism against non-Whites must be employed with the goal of creating a maximum amount of animosity, outrage and fear within the hearts of our enemies. High profile targets, such as non-White entertainers, sports figures, religious and political leaders must be targeted for selective assassination. Non-Whites must also be attacked anywhere they can be stuck in large numbers, such as in high-rise apartments, subways, shopping malls or packed nightclubs in order to produce maximum causalities. The symbols of the non-White presence on our land; churches, temples, Mosques, businesses and political institutions must be considered valuable targets as well. The idea is to drive them into the streets in outrage, to force them to retaliate. Because our movement is underground and leaderless they will be unable to strike back against us directly so their rage will be leveled against White society in general and law enforcement and authority figures in particular.

How to be an Urban Terrorist.txt

It will also be necessary to do our best to exploit the tribal resentments and ethnic hatreds which the various non-White groups within our borders harbor for each other.

LOL. As if you guys can quit calling them racial slurs long enough to pull that off.

Some good examples where violence has occurred in western nations involving rival non-White groups include the conflicts between Hindus and Muslims (especially strong between Pakistanis and Indians), Sikhs and Muslims, Somalis and Ethiopians, Blacks and Koreans (U.S.), Blacks and Hispanics (U.S.) Koreans and Chinese, Japanese and most other Asians and of course the Jews and just about everybody else. In order to successfully use these issues to our advantage the operative must research and understand the origins and issues at hand in the various conflicts. I will make no attempt here to try to explain any of these conflicts as that would be far beyond the scope of this work.

Please. None of these mentioned conflicts is going to help an utterly decentralized terror network accomplish anything because stage-managing racial pogroms on that scale would require actual coordination between a much more organized group capable exerting mass influence. This is a fart-huffing fantasy to think otherwise.

To smash Jewish power and influence both in our own respective nations and worldwide. The Jews are now, always have been and always will be the enemies of the White race and jealous murderers of anything beautiful and healthy in this world. Any individual, organization or movement which fights for the future of the White race will be doomed to failure without a clear understanding of this fact. No movement for social reform has any hope of success unless it is specifically and overtly anti-Jewish. It is essential to understand that all of our goals are anti-Jewish in nature. 

HITLER DID EXACTLY WHAT YOU IDIOTS ARE ADVOCATING! Of course, you guys ironically try to deny it even though he came closest to succeeding, but you guys need to do better than someone who had physical control of a nation-state and political influence over many others before your fantasies have a prayer of being more than that.

We must attack Jewish power wherever it exists and at all levels. Our focus must be placed upon high-profile Jewish influence in government, big-business, the mass-media and entertainment. Destruction of high level Jewish targets will have a great propaganda effect and will be a boost to the morale of our fighters. It is of great importance to demonstrate to our movement that it is possible to attack and crush high level Jewish power. Of secondary importance will be low level Jewish targets such as individuals of only local importance, Synagogues, Jewish owned small business and other symbols of Jewish power. Remember that, because of their power and influence, any attack upon a Jewish target will receive national if not international media attention. This is exactly the propaganda effect we need and we will use the media power of the Jews against them in order to achieve it. There is no undeserving Jewish target! 

I get it, you actually took Hitler's Mein Kampf seriously. Don't you morons realize by making the Jews such targets, you perpetuate the seriousness of your pogroms of hate against them. Oh, who am I kidding, you guys know that perfectly well, hate is the only chain binding you together, of course, you need to legitimize your enemy so you can play the victim to the rubes you sucker in buying you're the ones who are being persecuted.

To destroy the legitimacy of current government and to offer legitimate government in its place. We must strike at the heart of the traitorous, Jew-controlled governments which have done their best to murder and pollute our race. The apparatus, infrastructure and property of government must be placed high on our target list. This would include any and all individuals involved in forming policy, the services provided by government and any buildings or other physical property. All of the present day governments of White nations must be discredited and toppled. In most cases even the constitutional documents which give them legitimacy must be rejected.

Individuals in decision making positions in government should be targeted for selective assassination. Those most outspoken in the campaign to rob our children of a future should be placed at the top of the list, however, just about any high ranking official in government will make a deserving target. Only those tiny fraction of government officials who have fought against our destruction should be exempted. Any successes in this campaign will have a positive propaganda effect in favor of our movement.

Striking the symbols and services of government which the average citizen associates with legitimacy and power is part of our campaign to break down the rule of present government. Buildings and monuments symbolic of our present governments or the sick ideologies which they serve must be defaced, vandalized or destroyed. The services we will target include, the military, law enforcement, electrical power generation and delivery, food supplies, fuel supplies, electronic communications, tax collection, postal services, roads, railways, airports, shipping etc. Disruption and denial of these services will both discredit the effectiveness of present government and hinder them in their war against the White race. When conducting attacks against government every effort must be made to avoid casualties among low-level White employees.

I called it, these madmen actually think "The Turner Diaries" can happen IRL despite operating in such a fashion they cannot, by their own logic, do enough damage to count without being noticed, whereupon they can be destroyed for being too obvious.

To punish those Whites who have committed treasonous acts against their own people. A heavy emphasis must be placed upon those, high profile, individuals in government, the media, entertainment, clergy and academia who have presented lies as truth, promoted race-mixing, drug abuse and degeneracy, encouraged non-White immigration or have schemed to profit from policies which damage the health of our race and rob White children of a future. We can never really hope to taken seriously as a Nation if we are unwilling to punish traitors in the way any healthy Nation would, by death. A campaign of attacks targeting these individuals and their property will have a significant propaganda effect, both discouraging traitorous behavior and, with high profile targets being struck, boosting the morale of our movement. 

This is sheer idiocy. Like with how you make Jews look like victims by your actions, you also make these people the victims, not the victimizers. This is logic so asinine it's no wonder these loons mostly act like tough guys but never accomplish much without getting caught,

Other targets will include businesses or institutions which, through their advertising, employment policies, business or political activities, have promoted our racial destruction.

This will include nearly all large corporations and big businesses. Of greater importance are institutions which provide foreign aid, arrange for the adoption of non-Whites into our Nations, assist non-White immigrants, do research into diseases that inflict mostly non-Whites, such as AIDS or Malaria, or engage in any other activity which damages the health and security of the White race. The property, capital and those in decision making positions of these businesses and institutions should be targeted with every effort made to ensure that low-ranking White employees are not injured or killed in our attacks. 

This contains two stupid premises for the price of one. First off, destroying all corporations and businesses will leave you NOTHING to economically sustain your notional white nation economically, so smooth thinking here. Second, by ruining these businesses, you ruin the livelihoods of those that work for them. How are you going to prevent taking paychecks away from the people you deem innocent while trying to hurt everyone else? You guys are supposedly too decentralized to plan on an effective scale on how to kill only those specific targets while planning in advance who you want to spare without blowing your own cover due to the potential for blown secrecy required for such planning and coordination.

Of secondary importance will be targets such as low level individuals involved in race-mixing, degeneracy and drug abuse. There is no propaganda effect to be gained by attacking low profile homosexuals, degenerates, drug dealers etc. Only those who have committed crimes against the White race, such as race-mixers, rapists, child molesters etc.  should be attacked. Selective assassination, arson or bomb attacks should be used against these low-level targets. 

And we round off the intro to this lunacy with their Walter Mitty fantasies of being a racist version of The Punisher.

As I think you ladies and gentlemen can see, the people who believe in this garbage unironically lack serious critical thinking skills and would prefer to believe life will be good, all they have to do kill everyone who disagrees with their creed that they pretend they can have some represent nonviolently when it's an inherent call for genocide even at it's most innocent-sounding.

TL;DR: These people are insane.

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