The Sad Story of Saul: Or Why One Should Not Let Evil Destroy You Part 7
When we last left Saul, he had twice been snuck up on Metal Gear Solid style by David, just so the latter could prove he could've killed Saul at any moment and chose not to. Both times, Saul backed off for awhile. However, David knew his luck could not be infinite. In fact, so long as he remained for any considerable length of time in Israel's borders, he was in Saul's dead sights and one day, Saul was going to have his head on a spike. So he once again tried to set up shop in the land of the Philistines. Now, he had tried this before and it failed, and he was even doing so before Achish, the same guy he once had to play madman in front of to keep his head attached to his neck. This time, though, it was common knowledge David had a price on his head Saul would pay for and whatever military reputation David had as an Israeli hero was chicken feed at his point, so when David asked Achish for room and board in return for his groupies serving as a Philistine mercenary for...