A little more information as to why my mods were deleted off Nexus Mods and I will no longer contribute there

 Today, I had to make the incredibly painful but necessary decision to cease, now and in the future, having anything to do with contributing to the website Nexus Mods. I have broken no rules there, I had no posted any comment in any fora there that was the slightest bit mean, cruel, inflammatory, or hateful. In fact, I made a point to avoid causing trouble there.

Unfortunately, it seems certain people from there (whose names and identities I will not reveal out of respect for them) found my blog here, and took severe umbrage to a certain blog post I made and my comments, particularly my opinions on transgenderism and being nonbinary.

This, to be exact:


The party in question contacted me via private message about their offense to what I wrote OFF the Nexus and revealed they considered it a personal attack (it was never intended as such, that was their choice). I told them yes, I wrote it, and would not recant my views, but I did not bear them any personal hatred. They refused to believe despite any personal opinion expressed here I am capable of being a decent human being regardless and told me to never attempt to make any mod based on their work there. I agreed to honor that.

Later, I was, without warning, abruptly thrown out of a Discord of someone else who was a friend of this person who also took deep offense to my comments, basically called me a horrible human being, and also told me to never mod any of their work, permissions or not, and basically made clear I was persona non grata to them.

Bear in mind, my offending post was NOT on the Nexus. I made a point to shut up about anything controversial or inflammatory there because I knew the rules there. I had already been kicked off one website because I offended parties with the contents of the above link, I did NOT want to repeat my mistakes. If anything, I made a point to avoid that. I was simply a member of Nexus Mods to make game mods, I did not want to get into any trouble, incite upset, or cause mischief. I recently got Lifetime Premium membership for how many people downloaded my work a few days prior, so I was content to not rock the boat.

However, it seems I direly underestimated just how one can be "canceled" these days, and when this incident happened, I decided to do something I could never do on FANDOM (I was cast out before I could). I left of my own accord and took down all my work. I had done nothing wrong (if anything, it was the other side who dragged off-site drama onto the site I was happy to remain silent over), but considering the parties who basically expressed to me I was a vile human being for daring to have personal social views they find repellent, I elected to immediately retire from any further posting on Nexus Mods, I removed all my work, and left a retirement message here:


For the record, I intend to honor everything about this. I will no longer post any public mods, comments, or otherwise contribute anything further there. My modding work is effectively at an end, at least as far as that site is concerned, and neither the users nor staff need to have any concerns I will post anything there again. Any work I published there that was solely my own and not a collaboration, I retain personal copies of it, but I have no plans to release it to anyone or to any other venue. I have many other things in life I plan to devote my life to, making mods was just a hobby. I bitterly regret anyone who benefited from my mods who can no longer do so, but considering what I went through and how I've got the scars of being flung out of one site by those who looked for reasons to expel me, well, this time I saved them the trouble and left absolutely nothing in my wake. If older versions of my mods are part of Nexus Collections, so be it, but they obviously can no longer be updated or maintained by me, and I have no plans or intentions of releasing them to anyone else either publicly or privately. As to anyone I worked with, I remain grateful for the chance to do so and wish you well in your further endeavors. As to those who heaped abuse and scorn on me for daring to have personal offsite views they decided to dredge up, not me, I bear them no hatred. I choose instead to forgive them and merely pray all their future work and their personal lives are filled with success and happiness.

With that said, I want to make something clear, to friends and enemies alike. This is my personal if public blog. I admit I could be wrong in the views expressed here, and if anyone who disagrees would like to attempt to change my mind with reason and civility, I remain a willing audience and will return the courtesy. I will concede this sad affair has left bitter ashes in my mouth, but those so offended by my personal views have my personal pledge I will never trouble them again, and if they choose to go to their graves with hatred for me, I will sincerely regret it. At the same time, the views they took such personal offense, I cannot, for intellectual, religious, and moral reasons, recant them. If they choose to make me a pariah before men, well, no offense, I fear the opinion of God. While I would desire to make no one my enemy, I fear God more than I do the hatred of this world.

The first martyr Stephen died forgiving those who stoned him to death, and Jesus died on the cross asking God to forgive humanity for not knowing what they were doing, and for those who bear me bitterness, I shall follow Jesus and Stephen's examples. My door is always open if they wish to reconcile with me, but if they never wish to do so, I understand and will leave them in peace as they clearly wish. If that means leaving a website community and no longer contributing to it, so be it, I want it said I wish no ill will on those who scorn me and want to leave them free of my presence in their lives.

With that said, this chapter in my life is over, I intend to open new ones, and my prayer is those I have offended can move on to happier chapters in their own lives as well.


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