Tuesday, August 16, 2022

LGBT gamers really need to stop being wet blankets about anti-rainbow iconography mods

Recently, TheGamer covered a controversy where a modder replaced some instances of rainbow flags appearing in a Spiderman game with the American flag.


As expected, the thin-skinned LGBT crowd shrieked about this being homophobia and hateful and raised the trumpets of flatulence over something someone with more sense, less ego, and a thicker skin would not care about.

Now, the article above takes the side of the LGBT up in arms crying about how this is hateful to them and all, and I just have this rebuttal.

How does a mod you do not have to endorse, look at, or download for your own game accomplish this?

Now, to be fair, the modder in question decided, in their infinite stupidity, to try uploading this on Nexus Mods, where they had to ban modders causing a stink about IRL politics before, so this was just begging for trouble and should have been uploaded elsewhere, so in that regard, the modder was not very bright.

But that said, and I say this as a person who generally can play games with LGBT themes and symbolism and ignore it (as I am not gay myself) without getting offended. At the same time, I look at moddable games this way: You can make it look however you want.

If some modder wants to make their game world look LGBT friendly, cool. If they are a heterosexual crusader and want to banish any hint of anything else from their own copy of the game, whatever. If you don't care either way and wish to leave the matter alone, also good.

That said, I just want to thump the LGBT guys on the nose for one thing: You really need a thicker skin.

If your lifestyle cannot survive without constant validation, are you really secure in it? If you break down into shrieking, incoherent rage over someone who does not agree with you, are you being realistic? Do you honestly think you'll decrease the animosity towards your interests by trying to crucify everyone who dares dissent?

All those questions should be rhetorical, but I'll answer them anyway: The reaction to stuff like this makes you all look like a bunch of egotistical colostomy bags who cannot handle not having your backsides patted and demand everyone who does not agree be forced to do so else you'll have a tantrum.

Laugh it off, ignore it, and let the people who don't agree go in one ear and out the other. You will live without their approval, and frankly, no one has an entitlement to 24/7 adoration, and if you believe otherwise, then you're not very good at realizing reality is not a hug box.

By the same token, if a modder wants to cover their game in all sorts of LGBT positive stuff, it's their game, let them do whatever they want, and leave them be. A moddable game is a game that is your personalizable world, let each moddable game be what the player desires, neither side needs to rock the boat because doing so just creates drama. And this world has more than enough of that.

Now that I got that out of my system, I recommend people, in general, spend less time obsessing over this sort of stuff and if you got to promote mods for any reason, why not promote mods anyone can enjoy, like this:


I mean, let's face it, politics and who you are sexually attracted to just causes all sorts of drama and upset, and people obsessing over it on either side, well, I'll be blunt, you'd be better off agreeing to disagree.

As for me, I think I'll avoid mods about such real-world controversies and instead go back to playing Skyrim while the Buckeye State is laying waste to Helgen, that sounds a lot more hilarious and entertaining than seething over IRL political and social issues.

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