Some political realtalk for both the Left and Right of American politics

 This post is going to be a bit of me, as a political centrist, thumping the noses of both the American Left and Right a bit because some of their political beau ideals are just unrealistic. As the man in the middle, I want to explain why your extreme positions are not going to work and going to suggest some compromise positions. The compromises are not likely to give all of what either side wants, but they are far more realistic and achievable. I will address the topics of abortion for my hypothetical.

This is a very polarized topic. Now, I'm a devout Christian, but as Jesus said, we live under both the laws of God and the laws of Men. Ergo, while my ideal is the former, the only thing that is realistic is as best can be arranged under the latter.

Here are the extreme positions of both sides:

Left: Abortion rights should be as liberal and unrestricted as possible.

Right: Abortion should be criminalized and made illegal for any reason.

Now, let's be real here. Abortion is never going to be completely eradicated, either legally or illegally done, nor is everyone going to support allowing it. Here are more realistic goals for both sides to strive for:

Left: Allow abortion to be as liberally permitted as far as the laws of the states that support it will condone.

Right: Seek to limit the scope of the permissibility of abortion and make sure it is intensely regulated where it exists.

The Left would likely complain my suggestion is too limited and the Right would complain so long as abortion exists it is sanctioning child murder. Well, here's my rebuttal to both sides.

Neither of you are wrong on the essentials, but what I suggest is the best you can realistically hope for under the laws of a secular democratic republic. If you don't like that, well, sorry, best you can realistically hope to achieve.


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