Why certain segments of the Transgender community are losing their minds over Super Straights (and why they need to stop)

 Recently, a bunch of more.....excitable, for lack of a better term, transgender types are losing their minds over a new thing called "Super Straights" or S+ for short.

Basically, a bunch of straight people, gays, lesbians, and the more reflective members of the transgender community are basically saying to the more militant transgender types who deem it cruel to not be attracted to them (for example, a transwoman deeming it hurtful to be rejected by a man, regardless if they pass or not) the following:

"We have nothing against you as human beings. Regardless, we are NOT interested in you sexually if you do not match what we consider sexually desirable. We wish you well with a more receptive person, but we are not interested, it is not up for debate, please leave us be, we'll do the same"

The above is perfectly sensible logic as a matter of legal custom in most places around the world, is generally civil and polite by most societal standards, and there is nothing, on the face of it, that should be offensive.

However, it seems the more excitable transgender types view this as an attack on all transgender people, especially when the S+ crowd expresses the following opinions:

S-Straight: I only prefer people of the opposite sex who are not trans.

S-Gay/Lesbian: I only prefer other people of the same sex who are not trans.

S-Bisexual: I prefer those of both genders who are not trans.

And since this includes some trans people under S+, they are as follow:

S-Trans: I only prefer those who are transgender themselves.

Legally, morally, and ethically, there is nothing wrong with this. No one can be sexually coerced into having sex with another person they have no interest in, it is immoral and unethical by most societal standards to even try, and logic would dictate that those offended being trans is a sexual turnoff should find those who are more accommodating. Given the 7 billion-plus people on the planet, that's not a death sentence for intimacy.

However, certain transgender types view the above as bigotry because it's saying they are not sexually attracted to the parties expressing the above opinions, and they are trying to shame and "cancel" the S+ types because they deem not catering to their desire to be desired to be the height of cheek of arrogance.

In my view and that of anyone else who believes we have the free will to make our own choices, that is madness. I'm a heterosexual person, only interested in women who were born as such, and if a transwoman was sexually interested in me, I would politely decline and wish them well with someone else. I am a devout Christian, but my religious beliefs are secondary to my own personal moral to live and let live for the choices of others, and I would happily call myself S+ because that resonates with my own personal feelings.

As for the transgender types who deem the above rejection of them as sexual partners bigotry, then all I can say, rather bluntly, is to get over it. As explained, there is no legal, moral, or ethical reason for anyone to cater to your sexual desires, and any attempt at coercion would be a moral disgrace and a legal crime for the party who cannot accept the word "no".

That said, I find it disturbing such a need to say "no" is even needing to be done. If it's gotten to the point it's offensive to assert one's own free will to be sexually attracted to whom you please, then those who are so offended need to realize they have no legal, ethical, or moral entitlement to the sexual agency of another human being without their consent, which is the crux of the matter at hand.


  1. I wish trans people would get this through their heads. It is not anyone's duty to validate your delusions or be a toy for your fetish obsessions.

  2. Get behind the Super Straight Theme Song! “I came out to my family / they were so mad that they exploded / they said why can’t you just be a normal straight man / they are so superphobic”


    Point: Not wanting to sleep with a trans person because they’re ugly is fine. Literally no one’s stopping you from doing that. If they are then they’re stupid and you shouldn’t listen to them. The problem is with not wanting to sleep with a trans person because of the general fact they’re trans. If the reason is inability to have a child, I expect you to stop dating infertile people too.

    Counterpoint: I am genuinely not attracted to trans people. I was born this way, it is my sexuality. Stop trying to coerce me into sexual relationships I don’t want to be in. You are spreading rape culture.

    Point: We’re calling you transphobic because you’re calling it a sexuality, its a preference. This whole thing was made to mock the lgbtq+ community and hide transphobia in plain sight. If you wont sleep with a trans person fine but don’t call it a sexuality.

    Counterpoint: It is not a preference just like being gay is not a preference. SuperStraights are born this way. You trying to force and bully them to accept dick is nothing short of conversion therapy.

    Point: Y’all are fucking dumb, you’re telling me you wont be attracted to someone until you see what’s in their pants? If a passing transperson of your preferred gender walked past you you’re telling me you 100% wouldn’t even feel a little attraction towards them?

    Counterpoint: A SuperStraight male is not attracted to penis. Putting a wig and lipstick on the person wielding that Penis does not change that fact. Stop trying to coerce people to sleep with trans people. Nobody fucking owes you sex you rapist.

    Point: No it isn’t. You’re transphobic because you took a preference and you’re trying to invade the lgbt community with it.

    Counterpoint: Sexuality is not a preference. To say that it’s a preference implies that it’s a CHOICE. Pray tell what the religious have been telling gays for decades?

    If being straight, bi, or gay means that you have to include trans people in your dating and hookup pool then there is absolutely sexualities where they AREN’T included.

    Point: A trans person wanting to have a relationship with someone is not coercion. You’re a transphobe and you will never be welcome in the community.

    Counterpoint: Trans people can have relations with anyone who consents. If you have to shame people with labels like transphobe you’re a rapist.

    Point: I kind of already know the answer I’m probably going to get. But if anyone want’s to discuss it, I am genuinely curios if you guys believe in this stuff. Are you guys just doing it for the trolls and laughs, or do you really believe SS should be included in the LGBT community.

    Counterpoint: It’s the LGBS now sweety!

  3. Replies
    1. Don't you retards have a rule against touching poop? I was serious when I said I'd leave you guys alone if you left me alone. Whoever you are, you're an idiot, just watch the "lolcow" graze if that's what you think I am, quit poking them like the rules say, assuming you are wise enough to read.


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