Thursday, March 18, 2021

Beamdog seems to be trying to do something competent for once

 Now, I just want to establish that ever since Beamdog wrote Siege of Dragonspear, which hamfistedly tried to cram woke stuff into a game it was never intended for and butchered characters and good sense to do so, I was wary of their attempts to modernize games like Neverwinter Nights, only being willing to accept it thus far because all they did was make it modern friendly. Beyond that, I hoped I'd never see them plop another turd like Dragonspear on the gaming scene again.

Thankfully, they haven't, and I must give them due credit for continuing to modernize the original Neverwinter Nights. The original game was a drooling mess of spaghetti hacks and really poor decisions on Bioware's part, and while later expansions to the original were better, the game engine still drooled in many key areas.

Beamdog not only made it run fine on modern-day OSes with little trouble, they even have managed to fix a lot of dumb things, like Bioware's spit and pencil spellcasting classes code, added in engine features that make it far more modder friendly, and their latest beta update seems to be a tacit acknowledgment they can't write worth beans, so said update lets you download modules from fan modders who have better writing chops, which is a pleasant surprise.

So far, tried out the beta update on Steam on my Arch Linux machine and it runs smooth as butter. While I will remain giving the original writing of Beamdog an incredibly jaundiced eye at best, when it comes to fixing the work of others and polishing it further, they have continued to impress.

With that in mind, I hope they keep up the good work in that regard.

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