Thursday, January 9, 2020

Just played and beat Super Robot Wars T, my thoughts

I eventually plan to review this game for ChristCenteredGamer, so I'll save any content related to it's technical merits for that, so I mostly just want to talk about the plot and translation.

First off, the plot. While the past few games in Super Robot Wars have been dimension hopping and that was getting a bit old, this game, while still having you briefly visit a few other dimensions, still mostly takes place in Earth's solar system. I wasn't exactly one of those people who hated the dimension hopping plots, but it's nice to see the writers don't have to use that as a crutch to write a decent crossover plot, they wrote something that uses that only when necessary, not to justify every single part of the plot.

Second, they added Captain Harlock, Cowboy Bebop, and Magic Knight Rayearth. They did a good job making sense of all the above, I'm happy to say. Feel a little potential was missed with Cowboy Bebop, but it's a credit to the writers they made it make as much sense as it did. As for MKR, the writers had to take a lot of creative liberties with it, but they were fairly logical and mostly boiled down to them speeding up to when the mecha showed up, and I'm very impressed how well it fit.

The translation, on the other hand, is a mixed bag. For the most part, it's quite competent, at least if you walked into an SRW game completely blind. Since I've played a few before, I was more than a bit weirded out they used the American dubs of several shows as a base, as they usually just do a direct translation from the Japanese dubs, but aside from some issues I have with how the Magic Knight Rayearth plot turned out (although they are ultimately kinda forgivable) in the context of the crossover, I'm otherwise not going to complain.

Still think SRW V made fewer mistakes overall, but the SRW T translation is still pretty good even with the mistakes it made. Unlike The Moon Dwellers, it's not so terrible it looks like an obvious Google Translate job.

As for whether I enjoyed it, worth every penny, and that includes the DLC which was well worth the purchase, even if navigating the Hong Kong Nintendo eShop was a pain.

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