The post I dox myself in

Note; I dedicate this post to Jason and Cheryl Gress of ChristCenteredGamer, whose bravery and candor in their ministry for Christ has inspired me to be brave in my own life, and I owe both an immeasurable debt of gratitude for giving me the courage to say what is said below.

For those who have not realized I write for the website ChristCenteredGamer under my real name, I am named, in real life, Daniel Cullen.

I commonly go by GethN7 on most sites, Arcane or Arcane21 on Wikimedia wikis.

I have decided to quit hiding my real name for a few reasons I want to share, with both friends and enemies alike.

1. I'm at the point I refuse to be afraid of people trying to dox me. When I decided to have an internet presence, I knew it was a risk I'd run into, and for the longest time I was paranoid, especially because some malicious parties once tried to dox me with the intent of causing me all sorts of harm.

More recently, some of them have threatened to dox me just to scare me because they are scum who think I deserve it.

Let me be clear: I'm not afraid of you anymore.

Of course I'm no fool. My name, gender, and date of birth are now public knowledge, but I'm not divulging the rest save to trusted parties, and if anyone who wishes me harm and/or humiliation discovers the rest due to an act of crime, carelessness on my part, or simply is incredibly lucky to stumble across it by accident, so be it, I'm willing to live with that.

I already run a wiki for troping and analyzing media meant for all age groups called All The Tropes. I have sampled works ranging from family friendly to adults only, both for the purposes of reviewing them as works of media and for personal reasons. I am a proud, unashamed Christian, and I do not dare hide the fact I haven't always lived up to own morals as well as I should. I wear the weight of sin on me every day, yet I still won't deny I haven't always practiced what I preached, I know I have been a hypocrite in many ways.

All of my public work under my real and internet names is publicly accessible via web searches and is free for the scrutiny of the public, I don't shrink from it, as I put it out there, now it's for public consumption and comment.

The point is, however, is that I have recently decided to associate my actual name with my internet name because I'm no longer worried about what some malicious, petty people might do if they know who I am, let the chips fall where they may, I refuse to live in fear.

2. Awhile back, when some unregenerates tried to dox me, they falsely accused, smeared, and harassed an innocent man by the name of David Poole, a friend of my friend Brent Laabs. The evidence Poole was me was bogus and shoddy, and while Poole himself laughed off their stupidity, it rankled me then and still rankles me now some cowards would hurt an innocent man, especially because they made clear to me they wanted to use further smears to extort me into revealing who I was or they would continue to smear innocent people, trying to use my conscience against me.

Now that I have confirmed my real name, it is my solemn hope such callous and depraved actions never trouble another innocent person. Daniel Cullen is GethN7, as most of my enemies would know me, you can take things up with me, there is no need to hurt innocents when I'm your target.

I also address my more recent enemies, who wanted to dox me simply to scare me:

You have my "power word", as the internet term for it goes. Now that you have it, hope you can't say I never gave you anything, and to be blunt, given the sheer incompetence shown in digging that information up prior by enemies both old and recent, here's a freebie.

This stated, I do not believe I have anything I need to answer to before Men. The name Daniel means "God is my Judge", and it's God's judgment I fear far more than that of anyone else.


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