Saturday, September 9, 2023

On the joys of Halloumi

 I ordered some Halloumi with the Pecorino Romano I ordered not too long ago, didn't cook it at the time I wrote the other review. Now that I've done that, time for the actual review.

First some history on this cheese.

Halloumi is a sheep's milk cheese of Middle Eastern origin, specifically from Cyprus. It's typically stored in a salt brine, flavored with some mint, and typically served in slices or cubes, either fried or grilled.

It's a cheese with a super low melting point, which is why you can put it on a skewer on the grill or pop slices into a pan to fry (no oil required) and cook it till it's browned, then eat. The stuff I bought was made with a non-animal based rennet, which is no problem for the flavor.

Another fun thing is that while it can be eaten raw, it's best when cooked, mostly because you cook out the excess salt brine and the texture is far more agreeable. Still tastes good either way, though be advised it will "squeak" as you chew it due to the texture. This is harmless and just adds a weird note on the way down is all.

As for the actual taste test, Mom and I pan-fried a 0.5 lb block of this in a small pan and cut it into quarters (first chopped in half then the halves were chopped in half). After a couple minutes in a small non-stick pan where the excess brine cooked off and the sides got browned, we gave this stuff a taste.

First off, for a cheese, the taste is very meatlike in texture, to the point if you are vegetarian and want a good meat substitute (and aren't vegan), this can make a good meat stand-in and provide high amounts of calcium and potassium.

It will still taste pretty salty, so I recommend eating it with other foods to blunt the salt taste a bit, fresh vegetables, lean meat, and noodles are all good in combination. Once you get past the salt, it's remarkably similar to mozzarella, with a gentle taste you can savor on the way down, this is a very approachable cheese that is quite soft to chew.

It's also going to be stored in a small sealed package to keep it fresh, and I recommend eating it all in one sitting once you remove the packaging and cook it, this does not store well under refrigeration, it's sill edible but will quickly taste rubbery when chilled. 

If you need a cheese to liven up a grilled meat fest, want something to balance out part of balanced dinner with a dairy item, or just want a quick snack, Halloumi is highly recommended for all the above. Do be advised like all cheese, if you have cholesterol problems, remember to eat this in moderation.

Otherwise, enjoy. I know I sure did.

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