Saturday, September 3, 2022

PSA for accessing Kiwi Farms on Tor

 Regardless if you are an enemy or a friend of the Kiwi Farms, the below information is being provided to both sides.

They have a Tor address to access them here:


You will need one of these two browsers to access a Tor link:

Tor Browser

Brave Browser also allows for securely accessing Tor links, useful if you just want to read the forums, use the Tor Browser for greater security.

They have a public facing RU site here:

Public facing .ru domain here, uses DDOS-Guard, not Cloudflare


  1. Well, the .ru domain got yeeted.

    1. I'd just assume the site will be Tor link only access until otherwise specified.

    2. UPDATE: The site’s new public domain is It’s based in China. I gotta say, I’m a little uneasy about this considering the state of Chinese censorship, but we live in a society.

    3. Well, .top has now gone under as well.

    4. I got through, it's just admittedly janky and unstable for now.

    5. Yeah, so did I, it keeps showing up random errors, but if I keep refreshing, it works eventually. Hopefully the HTML is more stabilized for the clearnet. If/When the site does go under again, at least the tor domain is still accessible.

    6. UPDATE AGAIN: New clearnet domain is It actually loads pretty fast, but I'm not gonna pop open the champagne yet.

    7. It's not looking good. So far all the domains do not load and Null lost access to his main form of communication with the people who could fix the site. I don't wanna be pessimistic, but I fear this could be the end of the Farms.

    8. Okay, hopefully this will be the last post I make on this, but it seems like the clearnet domain for now is based in Sao Tome and Principe. The onion link has also been changed to http://kiwifarmsaaf4t2h7gc3dfc5ojhmqruw2nit3uejrpiagrxeuxiyxcyd.onion/
      These so far have run the smoothest out of all the domains, so hopefully from this point on I can expect good news.

    9. Okay, so apparently .net has returned, and is working perfectly on my computer. I believe it depends on your ISP and DNS, but this is completely mind-blowing.

    10. .net has fallen again. Since I'm getting fed up of this constant domain hopping, I'm not gonna announce a new domain until it stays up for at least a month without any major incident. I'm staying on the Telegram and following Josh's Poast for updates, but I won't say them here anymore.

  2. Damn, looks like I can't access this from the .ru domain anymore. Based on the Telegram, it looks like the site's fate is in a tough spot. I guess it's time to download Tor/Brave.

    1. Oh, here's something interesting. If I add .ws to the end of the onion browser, I am able to access it from the clearnet. It works so much better than .top

  3. Hey Geth, are you possibly gonna make a post that calls out Matthew Prince and Cloudflare for their spineless decision especially when merely two days before the drop they defended the site to stay on? Because that's what I would do. And rest assured, if I ever have a site, I will definitely choose someone else over Cloudflare now that they've proven to be another corporate lapdog who kowtows to slacktivists.

    1. I'm choosing to stay out of this for the most part. I am not an active member of the Farms anymore, and by my own choice plan to never return. That said, I do find it disappointing that Cloudflare buckled, but that is their choice. It is also the choice of other potential customers to weigh that into account when going with a DDoS mitigation service.

    2. Well, the story has gotten worse, apparently now the Wayback Machine has removed all traces of the Kiwi Farms URLs from their archives. is still fine, but this proves this was never about "harassment", just simply removal of content they don't like. Disgraceful.

    3. Somehow that does not surprise me, and I refuse to get upset over it. They aren't silencing a website, they are proving how scared they are of what it has to say about them.

  4. Geth, I finally come bearing great news. The .net domain has been restored after a long time and constant domain hopping. Now that Josh has managed to secure his own DDOS and DNS service, I imagine it'll be much more difficult to take down now.


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