Why "Pride" is patronizing and insulting to the LGBT

Now, this is going to be a politics post. Yes, I'm Christian, but before you read further, I'm not going to bring that up here except to say Christianity says pride goeth before a fall, and politically, you'll see why that is relevant as you read on.

These days, corporations, social media, and anyone afraid of being canceled or harassed by the LGBT crowd (these days the last letter in particular) will immediately throw up a rainbow flag and simp for the LGBT, no matter how relevant or irrelevant it may be to their product or service, just to virtue signal.

However, I just want to clarify why this is a patronizing practice that needs to stop.

1. The sane LGBT (yes, they exist)  just wants to fit into society. The original Pride parades had members of this community marching in normal clothing to show they could be members of their society without sticking out like a sore thumb, they just wanted to not be spit on for what they did in their own bedrooms. Modern-day "Pride" totally misses this point by a mile, and you'd be forgiven for thinking Pride means wearing gimp suits in public and juggling dildos in front of children given the current day version.

The morality aside, if you want to make the LGBT look vile and depraved, modern-day "Pride" is doing a great job.

2. "Pride" is such low-hanging fruit in any country where you won't be killed or imprisoned for showing it if you are LGBT. Anyone from a country where such things remain capital crimes is not impressed and despite how woke the virtue signaling corporations want to be where they risk nothing save the respect of potential customers, they have found doing so in countries with no respect for such things is a great way to be canceled and even getting literally lynched. It's hypocrisy incarnate they run screaming from showing rainbow flags where they risk everything yet think showing it where they risk very little makes them virtuous.

Really, it makes them cowards.

3. Another reason this is politically asinine is because the LGBT originally wanted to be seen as more than a token political sop. They wanted to let people know they were just like everyone else, they just were attracted to non-heterosexual partners. These days, with so many made-up genders and sexualities and trying to destroy any distinction of a gender binary (to the point of telling people to deny their eyes, ears, brain, conscience, etc), this is becoming a farce. If there are no meaningful differences between sexuality, gender, and it all is one big slurry of whatever is politically convenient, it's pointless. Those who stand for everything stand for nothing. 

4. Politically, all the LGBT "Pride" is doing is disgusting those who already had something against it, disenchanting those who realize reducing it to a political cudgel is long-term unwise, offending the more reasonable supporters who hate being patronized, and just radicalizing the segment of that community that is considered the hedonistic "fringe". It's like the bizarro world "alt-right" in practice and is just further widening the already massive split in society by saying if they are not slavishly supported, you're Hitler. Even passive tolerance is being called bigoted these days, when that was and should be the beau ideal for any group that claims persecution.

If such was wrong to enforce segregation, then it's wrong to do the reverse.

5. Finally, this is just a plea for sanity. Politically speaking, whatever one wants to do in the privacy of their own bedroom and whom they are attracted to are their business, so long as the parties can legally and morally consent. In that sense, one should be proud to have the choice to do so. That said, trying to force others to be proud and pretending you are by all the "Pride" virtue signaling is just going to have the opposite effect long-term, and to those with so much Pride, consider this a warning from someone who considers themselves politically moderate that your "Pride" will be your downfall.


  1. https://www.gaytimes.co.uk/culture/queer-eye-karamo-brown-interview/

  2. But they really can’t show off being LGBT if they could easily be sentenced to death in some countries. Also, dressing in bright, flashy outfits in Pride parades is part of us abandoning gender roles. And no, they are NOT “insane” as a whole.

    1. First off, thank you for your reply, I appreciate your input.

      Bright and flashy outfits are fine, I just consider it depraved when people are exposing themselves in public and wearing sexual fetish gear around children. I understand the need to be not be a conformist, but the way I see it, sexual fetishism should be something all parties can consent to and confined to mature adults, as sexual congress is typically barred to night everyone under the age of majority by law. While I respect the right to choose what you do in your own bedroom, public decency laws and laws against corrupting minors also exist, and I believe they deserve equal respect.

    2. Hmm, I noticed that you didn't say anything about my points that you insinuated that the LGBT are insane ("The sane LGBT, yes, they exist") and that some places really do ban being gay. There are indeed parts of Pride that are alright for kids and parts that aren't, but people aren't doing sexual things in public in front of them. I find it odd that you're targeting Pride for supposedly sexualizing minors when cishet people are guilty of doing so (such as baby rompers that have things like "lady killer" printed on them). Most Pride shirts I've seen tend to have rainbows or "love is love" printed on them. Naughty things do exist, but they're not normally made for kids. Additionally, why do you keep mentioning bedrooms like they're the only place you can be LGBT?

    3. Very simple. I care nothing for whatever your sexual preferences are, but in the interests of promoting civil order, no one, heterosexual or homosexual, needs to be advertising in intimate detail what should be reserved from the privacy of their own homes between consenting adults (sexual activity by it's very nature is a personal matter requiring legal consent after all) . And while I do believe the sane LGBT exist, I remain convinced these days the irrational types with no civil restraint are currently dominating the national perception of their interests and that it is detrimental to the LGBT cause as whole. As to why I'm singling out Pride, why I concede your point non-Pride related sexualization is shown to minors (and I deplore that as well), Pride related events have a disproportionate emphasis on sexual material from what I can tell, and in the interest of setting a good example and proving the LGBT is civil and responsible, they should lead the way in minimizing what sexual material is shown publicly, if only so they can criticize more effectively the anti-LGBT who are hypocrites in this regard.


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