Saturday, August 14, 2021

Some things I want to say to the left and right as a political centrist

 These days, politics is utterly polarized, with both the left and right (and I refer to American politics in particular) rabidly against the views of the other side. I know honorable and reasonable people on both sides of the political fence, but some are just rabid dog-level tolerant of a dissenting opinion or even mere disagreement. I'm a socially conservative classic liberal, and that makes me rather centrist. Admittedly, a bit sympathetic to the conservative side, but I refuse to reject liberals out of hand, not all their ideas suck.

However, the below is directed at the lunatics and extremists on both sides who cannot agree to disagree without being hateful about it.

This said this is just a callout at some things each side does that really need to stop or at least be re-evaluated.

1. To the RIGHT, if I have to hear you screech and moan about immigrants, the LGBT, or whatever else you deem to be screwing up the country, then by all means keep it confined to those who are disturbing public order or otherwise being a visible and notable detriment to society. Any LEGAL immigrant or member of the LGBT who simply wants to live quietly, pay their taxes, make a positive contribution to society, and otherwise act chill and respectful when disagreed with needs to be left alone. I don't care if you hate their skin color, their religious views, or their sexuality. So long as none of those things prevents them from being an orderly, law-abiding citizen, I'd rather live next to those people than any right-winger who is shallow enough to assume the things I mentioned above, on their own, invalidate an otherwise stainless record as a productive citizen.

2. To the LEFT, I know you all think being "woke" means you are so much more progressive than the people I called out in my first point, but I suggest you read this first:

As the article points out, you can easily become just as much of an insufferable, nasty human being when "woke" as when you are not. Just because you hate bigots does not eliminate the fact that you HATE, and while hating bigotry is noble, you should try to reform the bigot, not despise them, else all you've become is bigoted yourself, just with a different target. If you want to set a better example, then do that. Hating Hitler is fine, but demanding the same persecution Hitler did in reverse is just the same crap you call out, you just think you are the one who is morally justified when really both you and Hitler are detestable people.

3. To the RIGHT, I know you are addicted to believing the worst, but protip, the average person and especially the people on the other side aren't inclined to change their minds when you are ranting about apocalyptic consequences if they don't. Even if you are correct, screaming the sky is gonna fall if you are not immediately believed is just as bad as what I called out the left for in point 2. Not everyone can be convinced to see things your way, and even less will bother to care if you are constantly bloviating that unless your conservative views triumph, society is gonna die. Liberals have yet to usher in the end times despite your bellering they would the past 600 or so times they did something you didn't like. Not saying it WON'T happen, but the cry wolf effect means if you ever happen to be right one day on that score, no one will believe you because your previous hyperbole killed any desire to take you seriously.

4. Now back to the LEFT, just to sum this up, fine, I get it, you think conservatives live in the past, refuse to "get with the times", and are fed up with them protesting every single societal change you want to push through. With that in mind, I want you to consider something. The butterfly effect states that if a butterfly flaps its wings in one place, it will eventually lead to a tornado elsewhere. While it's not always going to be true, maybe you might want to apply some serious long-term thinking to your leftist ideals to make sure, long-term, they will not have effects you did not adequately plan for or foresee. Conservatives may not like change, but they do prefer stability, and while change is going to be inevitable, it's not always desirable. If you want to convince a conservative to embrace change, you need to better convince them why it would be foolish to delay it and do so with dispassionate reason. Not all conservatives are a monolith who will never meet you halfway. Sure, on some topics, yes, you could point a loaded gun to their heads and they'll die for certain positions, but that does not mean that all of them are, by default, beyond compromise or convincing. However, that requires you to argue the virtues of why change is preferred to not changing instead of just treating them like Luddites. Sure, Ned Ludd was no fan of the Industrial Revolution, and he was an idiot in the sense he hated the idea of the economy becoming vastly more efficient and able to provide what people wanted easier. At the same time, pollution on a large scale that is of global concern finally became possible on a measurable scale as a result of said Industrial Revolution, so while Ludd's desire to turn back the clock was unrealistic for the reasons he wanted, it did lead to something even you can admit is a bad thing.

This all said, just because conservatives and people on the right, in general, resist change doesn't always mean they are wrong. Maybe not right to resist if for the reasons they don't like it, but still is worth seeing if there is a good reason to resist change even you'd agree with before committing.


  1. Well said! I personally identify as an independent libertarian, meaning I too agree with certain views from the left and right (albeit slightly more from the latter), and both sides have their extremist wingnuts that make me ashamed to be an American. I think point 2 should be a lesson for everybody, as to me, fighting for real social justice means solving the issue with love and coming to a mutual understanding rather than pointless protesting and rioting. Have you heard of a man named Daryl Davis? He has become famous for meeting with KKK members and convincing them as to why their ideology is harmful to Americans, and he has been successful in his journey. Sadly many "woke" leftists do not believe in reforming racists calmly and have tried to cancel him. This also goes for the Proud Boys storming the capital because they falsely believed their election was stolen, then had the gall to blame it on liberals and ANTIFA for their earlier riots. Had they had stayed outside the building, they could have had some moral high ground over Antifa because there would not have been any destruction. However, that combined with them trying to get Trump reinstated meant that the conservative party as a whole was dealt a big blow. (I will say though, that this incident proves the media had a clear bias towards conservatives, as this was labeled "the second 9/11" and "a threat to our democracy" yet Antifa members burning buildings, looting stores, beating up cops, blocking highways and roads, and defacing and destroying statues and property was labeled as "peaceful).
    TL;DR Both parties need to understanding the meaning of "compassion" and "understanding" if they want people to sympathize with them.

  2. Thank you for making this post. I have gotten so fed up with the left and right's shenanigans that I have officially decided to not vote in any election ever again. We are living in a complete clown world now, where every politician spouts some retarded claim from their mouth. Apparently these guys don't understand how to fight respectfully and compassionately. A real advocate for social justice is the group Color Us United, which advocates for a true color-blind nation, when the concept of race and gender do not automatically diminish your opinions.


Asiago Pressato, Pecorino Calabrese, and Green Wax Irish Cheddar, my impressions

 It's been a while since my last cheese review, so let's make up for that, shall we? This time I ordered a pound each of Asiago Pres...