Monday, April 12, 2021

The Democrats want Republicans to get vaccinated, and why they have only their disgust

 I saw this recently, I want to spit in the face of the people who thought this cheap stunt would win over people:

  According to this, Anthony Fauci tried to win over Republicans with some publicity stunt where he tries to pour on the charm at NASCAR to reach out to those hesitant to get COVID vaccines, and the Democrats seem to be at a loss for why Republicans are still not marching like lemmings to get them.

Now, I am NOT a registered Republican. I sympathize and agree with many of their positions and hold little love for a lot of Democrat positions, but merely because I don't believe many of those ideals suit my best interests at this time. At the same time, I remember that Democrats and Republicans are both American citizens and people, and deserve dignity for both.

And that is the crux of why Republicans are suspicious: The Democrats are utterly tone-deaf and frankly fools if they think some cheap publicity stunts are gonna get Republicans to trust them. If anything, this is a shallow, tasteless stunt and the Democrats would be better served to try to mend fences they spent a long time tearing down where THEY spat on, humiliated, canceled, dehumanized, and demonized Republicans, simply for whom they chose to vote for and put their trust in.

Namely, Donald Trump, who, for better or worse, won the respect of many Republicans, and, for better or worse, was someone they decided to trust because he appeared to give more of a damn about them than their votes, he actually cared about them as HUMAN BEINGS.

Maybe Trump was just better at selling himself as someone who actually cared. Maybe, if you want to be really cynical, he just was better at the BS game than the Democrats. Let's presume that's true. If that's the case, the Democrats need to ask themselves: After all we did to spit on Republicans for the longest time, why did we think some lame PR stunts were gonna win them over after we spent so much time demeaning their dignity.

The reason is simple: They don't see people, they see votes they yet to secure. They don't see those they hurt, they just see sheep they have yet to convince to sing "Four legs good, two legs bad". Even if there are Republicans who do believe vaccination is good (and for the record, while I have my concerns about the COVID vaccines, if they prove effective, then I will get one myself if need be), there is no surprise to me why the Democrats aren't winning converts to get vaccinations.

Put simply: Maybe the Republicans want an apology for being treated lower than dirt. Maybe they want you to tell your more rabid supporters to quit treating Republicans like the Nazis for simple political differences. Maybe you should focus on winning the respect of other human beings by giving them basic dignity first before appealing to them to side with you politically. Maybe if you do that, this vaccination call won't be treated with such suspicion and contempt.

With that said, if any Democrat happens to read this, I hope you bear that in mind before you do something else this tasteless and shallow.

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