Tuesday, January 12, 2021

My New Year Resolutions of 2021

 It's now 2021, and now the madness of 2020 is behind me, I wanted to share some resolutions I made for this year.

1. I am DONE with drama.

I have severed any ties I had to communities that revolve around drama, except insofar as it occurs outside of my control. I quit the Kiwi Farms last year and intend to never return, nor join any successor. I intend to live as quiet a life as I am able and it's my solemn hope that my pledge to fade into the background for the foreseeable future means I am free of drama.

In other sources of avoiding drama, i refuse to get worked up over social crap or politics. My life is too short to obsess over those things, and that's time better spent doing other things.

In short, I seek to live quietly. My passion for social activism is DONE. I have settled on the communities, real-world and online, that I like, my choices are settled in that regard, mostly because they promise the least drama.

2. Seek to further learn new tech skills

I've always been willing to do this, particularly in the area of computers, and I seek to continue. Currently learning the joys of Arch Linux after being an Ubuntu and Debian fan for so long, and I've found a lot to like about it and thankfully, the people who write its official wiki went into tons of detail for a noob like me.

3. Further my bible study and history studies

One of my favorite hobbies is researching history, and both Biblical and other varieties constantly teach me new things. I find it a soothing and relaxing hobby and a healthy vocation, and I resolve to continue my studies in those areas.


  1. I read about all that happened with you and the Farms, as well as some of your blogposts. You really seem like a nice person, and you don't deserve such hatred. Hope you have a great and quiet life onwards!

  2. Thank you for your kind words. I might be consider too soft by some, but I just don't consider myself enough a tough enough person to just deal with certain things, and I decided it was best to leave certain communities behind and turn towards less controversial and more peaceful pursuits. I hope my life is fairly peaceful from this point as well.


Asiago Pressato, Pecorino Calabrese, and Green Wax Irish Cheddar, my impressions

 It's been a while since my last cheese review, so let's make up for that, shall we? This time I ordered a pound each of Asiago Pres...