Saturday, October 3, 2020

Some notes on my adventures maintaining the Wikia Branch of All The Tropes

 This is something of a followup to my last post.

First off, by my own admission on the Drunkard's Walk Forums, I'm not planning to ask for my mop and bucket on the Miraheze Branch back before Christmas at least. I pulled rank, made an ass of myself, and pissed off a lot of people. My cause may have been just, but the way I went about it was more emotional and reasoned and I broke the rules in doing so, so I elected to accept blame for that and am going to stick to maintaining the Wikia fork for now since it's kinda been playing second fiddle to the main branch for a long time.

It's on that subject I'm releasing a few notes concerning how that has gone:

1. First off, I decided I was going to swing a huge ax and cut a ton of stupid crap like half-rotted pages with poor markup, spam, shitposts, and other garbage. That has been a success so far.

2. Second, I have attempted to modernize the look and feel and provide features comparable to our Miraheze branch, insofar as I could. Even though the UCP update Wikia plans is not effective yet, I already managed to get most of the essentials ready in some form already.

3. Once the UCP update to Wikia allows the use of modern Lua templates and more updated MW core internals, I plan to redo all templates to take full advantage of that.

4. I had to deal with some absolute sicko who was obsessed with spamming their adultery fetish and who could not resist typing with one hand. They also spammed blatant porn images everywhere. In the process of fending this pervert off, I discovered they were a blight on a few other wikis and made a point to get every sockpuppet of theirs killed from orbit. Hopefully, they learned they stuck their hand in the wrong beehive.

5. Once the UCP is done, a full page import of all content from Miraheze circa the beginning of October and all missing images from the same are planned for import. Both branches can then rightfully be said to be on equal footing in terms of base content.

6. I have no clue what will work and break after UCP, so it's up in the air how much I have to fix. I hope it's not too much. Doesn't appear it will break anything valuable so far, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

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