Sunday, May 31, 2020

The Minneapolis Riots: We could have avoided this.

Maybe I'm just horribly optimistic, but I was hoping humanity was smarter than the psychos burning things and looting what isn't nailed down right now.

Fine, I get it, they are mad a black guy was killed by cops who stepped over the line. It's understandable to be mad about that. However, the cops can be punished, the family compensated, and the authorities issue an apology for their servants doing something so heinous.

At least, that's how things would work in a sane world.

Since we live in clown world, there are lunatics (quite a few of them WHITE, I might add) being lawless thugs and attacking anything and everything. Worse, they have the usual Hollywood smoothbrains trying to virtue signal by supplying bail money to these criminals, and even some lunatic political types (Democrats, of course) are white knighting for these miserable brigands.

This is insane.

We are still reeling from a global plague. The economy is slumped. These things cannot be fixed by a bunch of crazy mobs torching business and stealing things.

But sanity has fallen on deaf ears, and after checking the social media toilet known as Twitter, it seems some of these rioters are trying to polish their own turd image and are basically shaking down the same idiots virtue signaling for more free stuff under the guise of "you don't want to be racist". In reality, it's just an extension of these feral scum using any excuse to steal and extort what they can't earn and get away with lawlessness.

I'm sorry about what triggered this, George Floyd's death was tragic, but what is happening now does his memory no favors. If anything, while one man was poorly served by the police, if the police decided to cruelly handle these rioters, it would be exactly what they deserve.

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