Minetest and why I prefer it over Minecraft

One game I enjoy on Linux is "MInetest", a free, open-source clone of Minecraft, and in some way, I deem it superior.

1. It's FREE: Might as well start with the best aspect, I pay nothing to play. Granted, I don't regret spending money on Minecraft when I did, it was worth it, but you cannot beat absolutely nothing in terms of price.

2. MODS. Yeah, I know, Minecraft has mods too, but unlike Minecraft, I pay nothing for all of Minetest's mods, and the modding feature is way more granular, meaning I can strip a Minetest game down it's barest essentials if I please, while I can't do the same to Minecraft

3. Open-source. When Notch sold Microsoft Minecraft, all hope the engine would ever be completely free for anyone to mess with to whatever extent possible died. Prior to their acquisition of Minecraft, modders had been doing a lot of fun things unfettered by limits, now it comes with oversight by a third party over the core source and price tags on mods not released on approved storefronts for free.

4. Cleaner, more lightweight codebase. I find Minetest starts faster and runs better than Minecraft especially after hours of play, and given how much Minecraft can become a system hog over time, that makes it quite good from where I'm sitting.

I could go on, but honestly, if you want to switch from Minecraft to Minetest, it's not a difficult switch, both play about the same, but for the reasons stated above, it's why I only play the latter now.


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