Brianna Wu: Zoe Quinn's Biggest Mistake
According to the recent leaks of the logs for what would give birth to Zoe Quinn's scam known as the Crash Override Network, we find out just how a talentless hack with no other skill other than attention whoring themselves got such prominence in the first place. Zoe Quinn and her corrupt friends were responsible. Apparently, the IDEA was to recruit as many people who wanted relevance to Quinn so she could use them as part of self sustaining chain reaction of mutual attention whoring where she would boost various con artists, and they in turn would boost her in return. Hilariously, this turned out to be a massive mistake, and someone they hoped they could mold into the perfect stooge turned out to be far more independent minded than they thought, which is why these days they have cut all ties with Wu. But let's back up a little and show how this infected tumor metastasized, shall we? First, we see that early on in the leaked logs they were aware of Wu's ...