Rational Wiki, I'm so glad you cast me out as a heretic, as I feel like Martin Luther did about the Church of his time

I already posted on Voat (great site, better than Reddit) about why I was pissed on by RationalWiki, and since I don't feel like belaboring that shitstorm, here's a link to my Voat post with more detail:


Anyway, what I want to get off my chest is that, while the above link covers quite a bit of my disgust, I have other reasons than RationalWiki's sad descent into SJWism for why I consider them a laughingstock.

1. They actually used to honor civil debate, no matter the topic - Well, not entirely true, they tore Tisane a new asshole over him trying to debate the merits of child porn, but given my own feelings on that subject, I mirror their disgust, but otherwise, they used to be pretty openminded, and the debates were surprisingly civil and rational.

Not anymore.

In the shitstorm detailed above, I have to admit I was surprised by the raw, vicious venom spewed by the posters there. Not just Ryulong, I already knew that jackass was an asshat who was rightfully banned from Wikipedia for being a vicious little bastard, it was everyone else whose raw, unadulterated bile I found shocking, as just a few years back, I never was involved in any discussion or read one where most to all people in the discussion were lacing their statements with ad hominems. I'll concede most of the same parties tried to deliver counterpoints, but I was going out of my way to be polite, and maybe I'm just horribly naive, but when someone is trying to be polite, you try to return the courtesy, especially if they give generous room to admit they are wrong, which I did.

2. They've become what they sought to mock - As in, they've become the same block happy, ban happy, memory holing pricks they mocked Conservapedia for over the last several years. The site I remember of a few years ago no longer bears the slightest resemblance to RW now.

3. They aren't so different from the SJWiki - The SJWiki is a wiki of SJWs too crazy for RW, but not long after I left RW for the final time, one of my comments about how I'm colorblind (in other words, I'm not one to discriminate) was somehow turned into an attack on me for not acknowledging racism.

Forgive me, but a record scratch played in my brain when I tried to parse that shit: How the fuck does not discriminating against people make me a bigot? And besides, I know very well discrimination is shitty, THAT'S WHY I'M NOT A BIGOT!

....sorry, but that just blew my mind.

Anyway, not long after that little backshot, an article was soon created on colorblindness that reads like the same fetid tripe you'd find on what's supposed to be RW's lunatic containment vessel.

4. RW has always been at war with Eastasia - Not only did I get shit on for daring to admit I aligned myself with a movement (Gamergate) that RW has chosen to denigrate as evil incarnate and unwilling to admit it has fault when I, a member of the same, was willing to admit just that and went out of my way to show them respect and dignity despite being one of the "evil ones", my sysop status was stripped with a backshot of how the party who promoted me initially to that (now banned, and whom I've denounced on this blog for crimes against RW) never should have done so in the first place.

.......before I go on, I don't ever want to return to such a naked hive of spite, so the stripping of my sysop bit doesn't really faze me, but the implication I was always unwanted just seems pretty goddamned petty, especially considered they never felt this way until I went against the contemporary hive mind, an act they commonly have lambasted Conservapedia for pulling countless times.

In conclusion, good riddance to that shithole, I have no intention of returning, so they have no need to worry about me disturbing the harmony of their circlejerk, but I do have one thing to say, should any of them read this:

Take "Rational" out of your site title. You might have been once, but now you look like hypocrites for shitting on Conservapedia. In fact, you look worse, since they never even pretended they were anything other than a circlejerk.


  1. I have to ask. This 'former friend' of yours did something (I don't know what) against RationalWiki, which caused you to turn your back on him. But sometime later, you turned your back on RationalWiki. So, shouldn't that mean that you should be in support of your 'former friend's' actions?

    Unless, of course, the thing that he did really was too heinous to wish even on RationalWiki.

    1. And also... I wouldn't compare yourself to Martin Luther. This is the guy who kickstarted the belief that only faith in Christ could save you from eternal damnation.

    2. For starters, this is who I denounced and why:


      Also, I identify with Martin Luther in the sense that I saw something so corrupt inside an organization I once was a member of that even being cast out of a place I once considered sacrosanct has not shaken my belief it cannot be saved from within.

      Being Protestant myself, I do understand the religious implications.

    3. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. But having been raised Jewish, the idea that only belief in Christ can save you is something which really rubs me the wrong way.

    4. That's understandable, and I should have clarified in the first place, my apologies for any offense.

  2. Why are people so against Gamergate?

    1. Because, unfortunately, its opponents have done their best to try and get its message that Gamergate is filled with misogynistic, harassing assholes who are 100% evil pushed as the mainstream narrative, and sadly, many of their more prominent demagogues were able to initially pull this off due to their collusion with many publications who have now gone under or been severely damaged by those revealed to have later lied or misrepresented themselves.

      Thankfully, the trend is reversing itself these days, with many of the anti-GG side now discredited and their supporters still relying more on invective and propoganda rather than fact, but it still hasn't stopped many of the unwashed from believing all GG-ers are a monolithic entity of evil.

  3. Anyways, speaking of Ryulong, I think he's trying to false-flag this entire thing into making Reddit into a citation of misogyny.


    1. Thanks for the link. Honestly, he can do what he likes, I don't care, my life is more meaningful than obsessing over his bullshit, especially since I ditched Reddit for Voat (outside of occasionally leaving a message on the ATT subreddit on occasion) and have bid adieu to RW. I still use content from Wikipedia, but only the stuff that can be objectively verified.

      Still appreciate the link, don't mind laughing at his stupidity, but I have other things I need to do in life, and obsessing over him being a prick is not one of them.

  4. http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/User_talk:Delphage

    1. Please stop, do not engage them, don't try to defend my honor, and just let it go.

      They've made up their minds, I would be a fool to think they can be dissuaded, please heed those words as well.

    2. Your concern is almost laudable. I have no stake in any of this. I've been in the dark in so much for all my life, I'd love to see how people outside of 4chan's sphere of influence think and say for once. Besides, the madder I can make someone, the less credible their allies will take them to be.

    3. Ah, concern trolling.

      I understand your motivation, but they are already making a mockery of themselves, you don't have to help them do that.


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