I goofed on Twitter, want to explain myself
I accidentally sent a tweet to Ian Miles Cheong from the ATT site twitter instead my personal one, and since the tweet isn't far from the path of how ATT officially represents myself, I'll clarify. Ian Miles Cheong was, from my understanding, a fiercely hateful anti-GGer who had an epiphany that hate had made him a horrible, closeminded asshole, so he repented and has been trying to be a better person. He has not entirely renounced his Gamergate and gaming culture views, but he's no longer an abrasive prick about them and has been trying to reach out to his critics. Speaking as founder of the site meant to be an alternative to TV Tropes and a pro-GGer personally (All The Tropes does not represent me in that regard), I admire that. I don't ask he give up his convictions, he's entitled to his views, but I'm glad he's focused less on spreading hate and instead wants to build bridges, much like I never wanted our site to be the hateful spinoff of TVT, but in...