Something about shit the TVT mods can do that makes me rage

Warning: Angry post below.

I decided to see how TV Tropes viewed the anime Cross Ange after doing my little review of it, and I noticed several time when their moderators kept thumping certain posts because it discussed topics they didn't want discussed (like the ongoing rape theme in the show) even if the topic was utterly valid BECAUSE THERE IS A THEME OF RAPE IN THE SHOW.

I just want to say, right here, right now, I consider the TV Tropes moderators to be some of the most cowardly, bitchmade faggots when it comes to this sort of thing. Hell, they aren't so different from Something Awful moderators in this regard, as both sites have assholes who punish and censor wrongthink.

Well, to both groups, I just want to say something:

Fuck you.

I do understand a possible reason for not wanting to allow that topic to be discussed on TVT, since it might piss off their advertisers, but if that's the case, the TVT moderators are even more pathetic than I thought for taking orders to 1984 their own forums so their boss can apparently pay his bills with money made on a website with illegally copyright violating material.

Anyway, back to my point, I think you should only censor death threats and criminal discussion only. Horrible opinions and controversial topics should never be silenced because it might offend someone, and especially if it's because your sorry ass decided to take it like a bitch from an advertising company.


  1. Geth, there's a topic on Ask the Tropers about how some idiot is butchering Fanfic Recs. What should I say to stop the butchering?

  2. I'd give up, to be honest. In fact, to quote another TVT member: TV Tropes is not a democracy, but a (yeah right) benevolent dictatorship, and if the dictators agree with the idiot butchering fanfic recs, you're screwed.

    You can try to oppose it if you want with whatever logical reason you can come up with why it's an objectively bad idea, but don't be surprised if they memory hole your objections if you really irritate them with your "defiance".

  3. Could you at least screencap for me? I'm using an iPhone, so I can't do it.

  4. On that note: Why doesn't Obsidian just delete all the comments by dismissing it as "Natter"?

  5. Here's your photos, Greener.

  6. Many thanks.

    One more question: How do I post on FNTVT?

  7. I have a Tumblr account, but you can post anonymously if you want, either by asking a question (Ask Me) or submitting photos/screencaps (Submit trope parodies/screencaps)

  8. Kay.

    Also, another comment just popped up on the Ask the Tropers topic. I highly suggest you see it.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I got your comment before you removed it, something about linking to ED.

    If you were banned for doing that, not surprised at the hypocrisy. They have a link to ED on their "The Wiki Rule" page, which you'd think they'd remove because Fast Eddie hates the place and it might make Google mad.

  11. Wasn't me. I was banned a long time ago.

    Heck, they're gonna ban someone who posted a single comment in the Ask topic under suspicion that they're the same person.

  12. Odd, I thought you were Delfage on TVT.

    1. No, I just spy on Ask the Tropers the same way I do the Edit Banned page.

  13. Same here. I also saw how Fighteer acted all pissy over ED. Me, if I knew ED was laughing at me, that's usually because I'd be making a lolcow and/or idiot of myself, and I take notes on how to better myself, not cry and get all butthurt over it.

  14. Nice homophobic slur. That is sure to make you the good guy.

    1. Nice snowflake, Mr. Oversensitive.

      Words are words, sir. "Faggot" doesn't mean anything but another word for "stupid person" unless it manages to become a standard means of speech, like "negro" or "nigger" back before the 70s. Hell, nowadays those terms are being used as ironic, catchy-sounding substitutes for "friend", so it's not all bad.

      Can't we all just imagine "faggot" to mean "someone with the I.Q. of a stick pile"?


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