Geth Reviews The Breda 30, A Mediocre Gun
Some weapons are truly terrible and badly designed from the start, and doomed to incur the historical derision of anyone competent to appreciate firearms. Some are well-designed masterpieces that continue to hold honor and esteem as they did when first used by soldiers in combat, and some are not overly elegant yet reasonably functional. And then we have the Breda 30, a light machine gun that escapes being completely terrible, but sadly does not rise to the level of being of average performance, having to settle for being highly underwhelming. As the name implies, the Breda 30 (Fucile Mitragliatore Breda Modello 30) was officially issued for service for the Kingdom of Italy in 1930. It was the standard light machine gun of Italy until the end of World War 2, and while it did prove an effective enough weapon to be combat-worthy, it was a mix of odd design decisions that made it rather poor in terms of performance and ergonomics. * The magazine feed system was a fixed design, loadi...