
Showing posts from July, 2022

The Catholicism Appreciation Post: Why Catholics Deserve Props From Other Non-Catholic Christians

Before I go on with this post, let me be clear I'm a non-denominational Christian who is neither anti nor pro-Catholic. I have Catholic, Protestant, non-Christian, and so on as friends. However, since I figured it would be wise to remind non-Catholic Christians why Catholics deserve some praise even if you have no desire to BE Catholic, here goes. --- 1. Without Catholics, Non-Catholic Christians would not exist. That sounds obvious, but I've encountered some weirdo fundamentalist types who want to damnatio memoriae any hint of recognition that Catholics are legit Christians and want to pretend they were defiling the concept of being like Christ since day one. First off, Catholics base everything they do on the fact Jesus told Peter he would be the rock upon which his Church was built. The early Church's first significant leader and the one Catholics consider their first Pope is Peter. All Catholic Popes can be traced back to Peter in terms of descent by process of decision...