
Showing posts from June, 2016

Okay, something is jacked up here

I thought I was making good progress on the latest build of my game, and now I discover the coding broke AGAIN. The first issue was the currency scripting either crashing the engine or displaying gobbledygook on the victory screen, and that proved easy to fix when I reverted back to the stock victory screen, the currency system and the victory screen were using conflicting script calls to the currency display values. Now I'm getting some freaky issue where healing spells damage people, have no idea how the hell THAT happened, trying to figure that one out before I go any further.

The Whinegina Monolouges

Went digging through my old emails, discovered the LONG series of insane brain dribblings from Nate Spidgewood from long ago, figured I might as well post it up here for the lulz: (his crap in all caps/bold, mine in regular font. These were sent in December 2014) I'M DEA!!!!!!!!!! FUCKING!!!!!!!!!! SERIOUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP CALLING ME NAMES LIKE " STUPID ", " IDIOT ", " TROLL ", " VANDAL ", " IMBECILE ", " FOOL " AND " PATHETIC "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!! IT JUST SHOWS THAT YOU DON'T LIKE ME ANYMORE, YOU FUCKING TRAITOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! AND I TOLD YOU A MILLION FUCKING TIMES , I'M NOT A TROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF YOU CALL ME NAMES LIKE THAT AGAIN I SWEAR TO GOD, I'LL SMASH YOUR FUCKING TEETH IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Progress report on Dragon Quest 1 Remake Beta 2.10

I'm currently an estimated 45-50% done with the latest build of my game, which will add the rest of the Catilin area, fill in a few remaining blanks so the last leg of the game can be reached, and set the ground work for the bonus dungeon firmly into place at least. I have had to fix a lot of scripting, partially to restore or enable features time constraints forced me to remove in the 2.00 build, and that annoyed the hell out of me, but I've finally gotten most of that behind me, and I'm currently working with an awesome French guy called Shiggy on fixing the remaining issues. In fact, I noticed a lot of awesome French people in my life recently, and while it sucks my French gamer friends are having to put up with French politards drinking the Sarkeesian koolaid of late, that still doesn't detract from all the wonderful French men and women in my life, for whom I proudly declare "Vive la France". And, speaking of social justice, I have added a side plot...