
Showing posts from September, 2015

ED laughs at my blog, I laugh back

Recently, was sadly compromised by a hacker and was basically killed with fire. Encyclopedia Dramatica, per their usual custom, decided to piss on its corpse. They even dug up one of my angry blog posts and razzed me over it, but in all seriousness, not offended in the slightest. I actually thought it was pretty funny. On that note, while the Orain situation isn't very amusing to me, the fact ED decided to mock Orain and what happened to it is still funny. When things suck, it good to find something hilarious about the situation to laugh at, and I applaud ED for calling out us on being cheap bastards and mocking me for being a whiner. I can't deny they have a point.

And I thought it was going to be so simple......

I've been working on my Dragon Quest 1 Remake 1.8 Beta for awhile now, and it turns out what I thought would a simple re-balancing and betatest has ballooned into a much bigger job than I planned because of the following: * New relationship value system: Due to a new mechanic where all party members can gain relationship value points with one another, I have had to re-balance all enemies not to be too hard or easy, at least on standard difficulty, and even though I lowballed the stat bonuses relation values give to avoid making them game breaking, they still can add up fast, so I had to fix things. * Different formula calculations: I recalculated the damage formulas in an attempt to bring them even closer to DQ standard, which has made them more accurate, but has required further rebalancing, since it was making some monsters retarded strong when using magical attacks (Actors use different balancing than Enemies, so I'm covered on the former) * Busted code and various fix...

Brianna Wu has libeled me, and I want an apology

(reposted from Recently, I contacted Brianna Wu about commenting on the following stories I wrote on A rebuttal to an article penned by Brianna Wu on white men A rebuttal to another critically flawed article by Brianna Wu Being this is a journalism website, I am an amateur in that field (by writing for a journalism website), and I felt it honest and polite to allow the subject of my articles a chance for comment, so I sent Brianna Wu a polite email requesting some commentary whenever she found convenient. My emails and her response can be found here: Request for comment on some articles I wrote in rebuttal to your own (an email I sent Brianna Wu) Brianna Wu saw fit to lie about my intentions and make me look like an evil person for my courtesy here:   Archive in case the above mysteriously vanishes: I’d also like to add I’m SUSPENDED from...