
Showing posts from August, 2015

Request for comment on some articles I wrote in rebuttal to your own (an email I sent Brianna Wu)

I recently wrote some articles in rebuttal to some articles you wrote on your own site on, and in the event I am wrong on certain details or you have any comment, I invite you to comment on the following: I am sending this request because I believe it is fair to inform you what I have written for reasons of transparency and because despite our differing opinions, I would like your input in case I have grossly misinterpreted your thoughts and intentions. Please let me know when or if you can do so whenever you find convenient. P.S. - For reasons of transparency, I plan to publicly post the contents of this email on my personal blog, which you can find here: Brianna Wu has contacted me with the following: You a...

SJWs have been taking a massive beating on multiple fronts, they still keep doubling down

Recently, the social justice warriors have gotten their teeth kicked in on multiple fronts: * Zoe Quinn/Chelsea von Valkenburg got her legal ass roasted over the coals by Eugene Volohk, who basically declared the shit she pulled on Eron Gjoni was unconstitutional, and Eron has every intention of taking her to task for abusing the law to silence him, and stands a decent chance of winning. * Gamergate had ANOTHER bomb threat called on an event with many journalists who have now seen the opposition for what they really are (people so terrified their narrative would be shattered they'll do anything to reinforce it), and while the origin of the threats is still unknown, the point is that journalists can see if some assholes were willing to call almost a dozen bomb threats on a peaceful assembly, then the people the assembly was for may not be the villains they've been painted as, and journalism has seen a massive uptick in their ethical membership reaching out, and many of the f...

Rise News Miami will be opening a new journalism site at the end of August

For those not in the know, Rise News Miami is the journalism site that, after the SPJ Airplay bomb threat incident, has added a Gamergate section to their site and allow BOTH sides of the issue to be heard. I'm pro-Gamergate, but I applaud their willingness not to be biased towards either side, as an honest press depends on not being a propaganda mill, but a fora for both sides of a debate. After contacting them to thank them for their journalistic integrity, they thanked me for the kind words and informed me they were opening a new site that would be international and for which they were looking for writers. As someone who salutes any press organization committed to honesty and integrity, they have my prayers and  best wishes for their success, and I urge anyone, regardless of your position on Gamergate or any other issue, to give them your support and submit work to them if you wish to have your position heard. They can be followed on Twitter at @RiseNewsNow

A few comments I'd like to leave Arthur Chu and his associates

Ever since I commented on a few discussion panels, I have gotten some intense hatred simply because I've tried to remain civil, post facts, and even though I even sided with my opposition when they were clearly in the right, I'm still considered an enemy simply because I disagree. Well, to Mr. Chu and my esteemed oppositon, I have a few rebuttals: This tweet is Arthur Chu wanting me to stop reading his "fucking feed" , as in, his public twitter feed. I'm sorry, Arthur, but I refuse. There is no law barring me from doing so, nor reading any other Twitter feed that is publicly available. If you choose to protect your feed from public scrutiny, that is your choice, but when you put comments out into the open (like this blog for example), you open yourself up to public scrutiny, and your Twitter shall be under the same guidelines so long as it remains public. Also, I'd like to refute a few lies: In this comment, a Nora Reed says I was banned from Twitter...

An email I wrote to Maddy Myers, writer for The Mary Sue concerning her Twine Game

Below is the complete text of an email I sent Maddy Myers, a feminist writer for The Mary Sue. I wrote it after trying out her Twine game (which isn't too shabby), and which can be found here: I am publishing the text of this email because I want to take apart the conceit that Gamergaters hate women, especially those trying to do anything related to gaming. In fact, I'm grateful she decided to make her work public and wish for her continued success, as the below should demonstrate: I saw that Twine game you created on your Twitter feed, have tried it out, and so far, I like it. Your writing shows great skill, and I like the deconstruction of the magical girl premise. The actual technical structure of the game shows you have a good grasp of coding, and I like how the structure seems more interactive than a typical CYOA (Choose your own adventure game). It's somewhat dark, and not my usual cup of tea, but it is well writt...

Why every person who adheres to the radical hashtag #BlackLivesMatter comes off as a black supremacist

Before I get castigated by the more moderate well meaning black community who happens to subscribe to that while not considering all whites the devil, I just want to say I've been in extremely consistent support of civil rights for all races since I was in short pants. However, what just recently happened to presidential candidate Bernie Sanders turned my stomach. I personally have no strong opinions on him politically (I'm waiting until we have a firmer idea who the actual viable people in the race will be), but he has my sympathy and personal respect over how shabbily he was treated. I am referring to the fact that during his own speech the night before he was chased off his own stage by a bunch of assholes who told him to shut up, they were going to speak about what really mattered, then turned the whole thing into a radical black rights circlejerk, accusing him of not giving a shit. First off, fuck you to every asshole involved in pissing on this man's speech. Y...

New Twitter alternative is being developed and currently in beta

Behold the new Twitter for people tired of the echo chamber of SJW outrage Twitter has become: It's currently a work in progress, but it's quite stable and welcoming anyone and everyone to try it out, and it already has several advantages over Twitter: 1. Longer Messages (1000 characters versus 140) 2. Open source ( Under the GNU license) 3. No complicated barriers to entry (such as needing a mobile phone number) It also features many features from Twitter that are known and loved, such as retweets (resending messages), favoring messages, and due to the fact it's a more flexible format of federated communication, private messaging is completely possible using the same interface as regular messages with the same message character limit. Given how I'm disgusted by how Twitter has been taken over by SJW lynch mobs, I'm all for a better service minus their nonsense, and even though it has been created by pro-GG people, the service welcom...

Social Justice and why it's believers make me oppose it

Social Justice, is, as the name states, trying to achieve justice for social issues, a laudable goal. Unfortunately, the form it takes on the internet is fucking laughable, or that's what I would say, if it wasn't for the fact everyone who practices it is such a foul hypocrite the laughs die in my throat. 1. On Tumblr - Social Justice takes many bizarre forms on Tumblr, but the most idiotic are the types who want equality and tolerance for all sorts of various genders, many of which are made up and whose terminology only exists on Tumblr. No offense, you guys can call yourselves whatever you want on Tumblr, but I'm going to laugh in your face if you seriously want me to recognize you as a genderqueer polysexual wolfkin or whatever the hell else you guys call yourselves whenever the mood strikes you to change to, something that occurs about as often as I change shirts. 2. On Twitter - Currently suspended, and while there are a few decent human beings on Twitter, the ...