
Showing posts from July, 2015

Gamergate is winning, and here is why

I write this post to say that for everyone in #Gamergate, congrats, you're on the winning team. A year ago, things looked bleak. A year ago, social justice warriors held most of the media by the balls, trying to sell them on the idea that all gamers were evil, sexist assholes who hate women and don't want them in the industry. To be honest, we only wanted one woman (Zoe Quinn) not exactly out, but taken to task for her collusion with game reviewers in exchange for positive coverage without disclosing the COI, and it prompted a backlash. Why? BECAUSE GAMERS STRUCK A NERVE. The nerve we struck was one where the gaming press had become an arrogant body unto themselves that didn't believe their mandate was simply to report on gaming culture. Instead, they felt they could abuse their power to shape gaming culture and this arrogance had corrupted them into doing corrupt things, and all those who kicked off Gamergate caught them with their pants down. Their counterattack...

Halfway point for my game, looking back

Based on my current progress with my RM VX Ace project, it's about halfway finished, and now I want to look back on my work a little and go over some of my trials and tribulations in doing so: * I learned a lot more about copyright - Given my work is a fan remake of a commercial game, I use some content from the original for parody/fanfiction purposes, though I have been attempting to fill in blanks wherever possible with my own work on content I can acquire full licenses to use, and even though I've seen Dragon Quest fan projects made up entirely of stock assets from the games themselves, I've been trying to make at least 80% of my game original, and as I stated in the credits for my game, my fan game is meant to honor and promote the originals, classics I'm sure my pale imitation will never meet or exceed in quality, and Square Enix and any other parties I have used licensed assets from will have my full cooperation in the event of legal disputes, and to keep my pr...

My riposte to everyone claiming the "Damsel In Distress" trope is bad

Before I begin, here's a description of the trope in question. Now, I've heard a lot people who subscribe to Anita Sarkeesian's views on feminism, Brianna Wu included, say this trope is terrible, overused, and it makes women little more than objects robbed of agency for male empowerment. I disagree, and in the latest beta of my own game ( which can be found here) , I decided to take those arguments and refute them. Dragon Quest 1 (which my game is a loose remake of) had a totally cliche "kill dragon, save princess" quest, and the princess was little more than a plot coupon you had to collect, but ironically, I don't see anyone who subscribes to Sarkeesian's views taking a trip in a time machine and giving this game any grief. In their defense, games were just coming out of their infancy and the trope wasn't as done to death, but if it's terrible all the time, why wasn't it maligned? Well, in my remake version, I take the quest and the...

A short post, but one I want the Kiwi Farms and Twitter to read

I was recently sent an email from someone on the Kiwi Farms saying, quote: "finish that fucker off :)" I was even linked to their thread on Brianna Wu, here: For those not aware, the Kiwi Farms is a forum for mocking people who have made fools of themselves on the Internet, and while I don't sanction or condone their activities, I do appreciate any moral support their members have expressed, but I want to make something explicitly clear to both them and Twitter: My intentions were not to harass. All I wanted to do, while I admit I'm critical of Brianna Wu's work, was hopefully to establish a dialogue with Brianna Wu, and maybe even get some answers on questions I had. I'm not very sanguine on her work, but I was hoping I might learn more via direct discussion and possibly get some misconceptions cleared up. At no time did I ever bring up an...

While Gamergate used Twitter for good against Gawker, Anti-Gamergaters only want to use it for evil

Gamergate has been accused of a lot of evil, malicious things, things that recently have been proven untrue,. as Gamergate led the charge against Gawker on Twitter with mass emails to their advertisement sponsors to yank support in response to Gawker's publishing of libelous content meant only to destroy someone under pretenses involving extortion, all for the sake of page clicks. As Gamergate opposes corruption in the press, and since Gawker is the parent company of Kotaku, a gaming site rife with corruption, I and many others joined our efforts to expose Gawker for what they were to the public so that their corruption would be their downfall. However, not everyone uses Twitter for good: This Tumblr documents all sorts of corrupt uses of Twitter  to silence, persecute, harass and denigrate anyone supportive of Gamergate, here's some horrifying examples: This basically sa...

In which I write about my fanboyism of Milo Yiannopoulos

In this post, I'm going to write about why I like Breitbart columnist Milo Yiannopoulos, and since I adore his deadpan snarky style, I shall try to imitate it here, and while imitation is usually the highest form of flattery, I would not blame him if that didn't turn him on. I am a liberal after all. On that subject, he's very conservative, but I admire how for a conservative how much he's willing to tolerate his critics, even to the point of retweeting people who believe he needs to have his sexy head of hair shaved off and shoved down his throat until he dies of asphyxiation. Me, I think that's a highly inefficient way to kill a guy who dies after half a dozen hits to the face with a dildo in Postal 2: Paradise Lost (yes, you can kill Milo in the game, or even urinate on his face if you like while he bitches about "not being into that"), but to each their own. Regardless, I have found him very charming and openminded for a man whose opinion of Ba...

What real feminists do

As much as I have screamed to the heavens how I hate Social Justice Warriors, social justice itself is a noble cause, it's just been perverted by Twitter harpies, Tumblrinas, and shifty entitled assholes in ivory towers bitching about first world problems like offensive code strings or fictional female shaped pixels. This is my feelings on all that: FUCK YOU, WHAT ABOUT ACTUAL WOMEN WHO SUFFER?! There are countries on this planet where women have no agency, no rights, and no dignity. There are women who are literal slaves to men, who can be beaten, murdered, raped, and tortured, and they cannot defend themselves. These poor souls are in situations where they can be clubbed to death simply asking for a sip of water if a man doesn't want them to, and it pisses me the fuck off most of the psuedo-feminists above can only rant about "manspreading" and "oh no, Princess Peach is a helpless damsel!" FUCK YOU, ACTUAL WOMEN ARE SUFFERING AND YOU DON'T GIVE...

In which I talk about the unofficial sequel to "To Kill a Mockingbird" and laugh at SJW outrage

Almost everyone has heard of "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, but for those who haven't, here's the basics: A lawyer named Atticus Finch has to defend a black man accused of rape in the pre-Civil Rights South, and despite all the pressure on him to do the wrong thing and sell out his own client, he still tries to defend the man against an obviously corrupt and false charge, loses, but does so anyway despite the spite of his peers and the cultural values of his time. And we see all this through the eyes of his daughter. It's a classic work of literature, and I still consider it a great book. Recently, an unofficial followup that was never released was found and was tidied up for publication called "Go Set a Watchman", and while calling it a sequel is a stretch since some of it's plot points contradict the original text of TKAM, what has SJWs crying foul is the fact a grown up version of Finch's daughter discovers her father, who she s...

ANGRY RANT TIME, this time about the "lifting community" on Tumblr

It's that time again, when I rant and bitch about something that makes me mad, so if you want to avoid a ton of cursing and rage, skip this post. Anyway, I recently learned Tumblr has spawned yet another group of degenerate shitheads whose abortions would have been a public service, known as "lifters", short for shoplifters. Basically, fucking criminals who glorify stealing shit because it gives them a cheap thrill and because they have no respect for the law, not to mention are too lazy to earn money to support the economy they are fucking over without any goddamned shame. I've seen these fucking blogs, these piss stains in the underwear of society have the fucking balls to gloat about stealing shit, posting photos of all the crap they have lifted and patting each other on the ass and telling each other how awesome they are. YOU'RE GODDAMNED THIEVES, YOU SOULLESS FUCKS, YOU'RE NOT ANYONE WHO DESERVES ANYTHING OTHER THAN TIME IN PRISON! Nothing pisse...

A foolish code aliasing mistake Rpg Maker coders should avoid

To quote a line from Treasure Island "I own myself an ass." Why? Because I made a very foolish rookie coder mistake when working on my current game project that has made every build since the errors were introduced have game breaking bugs, and it was because of foolish oversights on my part. The issue was that the minigame scripts I used for my ingame casino lacked sane exit conditions for the scene window script they were intending to alias, and it caused my entire project to be retroactively corrupted. However, I'm getting ahead of myself, let me explain aliasing in coding terms. Aliasing in Ruby code (which RM VX Ace uses) means code that does one thing is rerouted to an alias, or alternative. For instance, if I aliased the word "apple" to be rendered "orange" in a program determining how many uses of the words apple and orange were in a block of text, all it would result in finding nothing but uses of "orange', since "apple...