
Showing posts from November, 2014

TV Tropes getting a revamp, made an appeal to the new owner to handle Fast Eddie's legal BS

I just learned TV Tropes is raising money to revamp the site from the ground up. I also learned that it has a new owner. While the techie in me is pleased to see they have finally realized the POS of a wiki engine and plan to utterly revamp the site to be better, not to mention I'm pleased that corrupt old man Fast Eddie (aka Gus Raley) is no longer in charge, there is still a grave matter of concern I have over the content of the site still being illegally copyrighted, which I hope the new owner is willing to address. In fact, I just private messaged drewski (the new owner) and decided to risk being bounced from TV Tropes the following, in the hopes he will prove more ethical and reasonable than the previous owner: As you may know, I'm the founder of All The Tropes, the wiki founded on Wikia and Orain in opposition to the censorship, and more importantly, the illegal copyright changes effected by TV Tropes July 2012 changing the copyright of all content from CC BY S...

Cross Ange Episode 9

Episode 9 begins with a flashback scene to when Hilda was younger and somewhat more adorable chilling in a tree until someone who is obviously her Mom (yeah, definitely see where her looks came from) tells her the apple pie is ready. As the flashback ends with Hilda about to wold down some pie, we cut to a later scene where Hilda is being carted off by the cops for the horrible crime of being a Norma, and her mother is understandably upset, and to her credit, she still loves her child even if she is a Norma. Slightly later, we cut to Hilda doing a little window shopping (well, theft) as some shocked onlookers watch, though considering she's considered a criminal simply for being a Norma, that's kinda minor league in the crime department, and as Hilda evades detection and heads off presumably to her home village (with a change of clothes and a new handbag), the opening credits play. Once they end, we cut to Ange and Momoka under a bridge, with Ange wisely telling Momoka th...

Cross Ange Episode 8

Episode 8 begins with a flight drill, and Salia is doing a quick preflight sitrep, which goes well, but Vivian's helium voice grates on Emma's ears back at HQ. Meanwhile, as Mei telling the engineering team to get ready for Salia's squad to return, Ange is still thinking about the frightened communication she got from Sylvie in the previous episode, understandably worried about her. We then cut to takeoff, where her spaceout causes her to stay on the flight deck, understandably pissing off everyone else behind her like Rosalie (who has a legit reason to be annoyed). Oddly enough, Hilda seems to be in a world of her own as well. Anyway, Emma is wondering WTF is going on and orders an emergency launch (basically, the flight deck has a slingshot rail system that flings the Paramail into the air), and Ange snaps out of her cloud to realize her situation just barely in time to avoid flying into the ocean, and as Ange finally joins the formation, it seems fleet HQ staff (with m...

TV Tropes apparently needed another server upgrade

I recently saw this message on that crappy site announcements thing TV Tropes has: 18th Nov: We've switched servers and will be updating the old code over the next couple months, meaning that several things might break. Of course, the thread they have for this reveals that the whole site had over half the features break. Now, for those who don't know any better, TV Tropes probably did need a server upgrade, and having presided over that myself, I'm not going to give them any grief over doing the needful. I will, however, laugh my ass off at the fact switching servers caused their whole setup to freak out and the very idea that Fast Eddie is still hellbent on polishing that overripened turd known as PmWiki. For those not in the know, switching servers for a MediaWiki wiki (hell, most other wiki engines) is as easy taking the site down for maintenance briefly, moving the files from one server to another, then making sure your server configuration has everything p...

Cross Ange Episode 7

Episode 7 begins with Salia detailing her recent combat sortie Captain's Log style, and as we get some flashback scenes to the combat action, Salia notes Ange ignored orders. The animation officially starts with Ange kicking ass all by herself, which Salia reluctantly notes. Later, as they are about to leave the combat bay, Rosalie is pissed at Ange because she keeps getting all the money (remember, they get paid on commission), and Ange immediately hands her some cash and asks if she wants more. This pisses Rosalie off, but Ersha restrains her as Salia tells Ange she's not happy Ange doesn't understand the meaning of teamwork. Ange coolly retorts she is killing DRAGONS and doing it well, and if Salia really is pissed, she can either fine or execute her, and she walks away on that note. Later, as Salia continues typing up her after action review, she notes Ange's continued refusal to work with the team may force her not to pilot the Vilkiss due to disciplinary iss...

Cross Ange Episode 6

Episode 6 of Cross Ange begins with Emma and Jasmine overseeing a delivery of supplies, and while they are doing that, Momoka (Ange's former maid) is trying to avoid detection. Later, as Ange returns from yet another sortie, Rosalie, Hilda, and Chris (the three who h8 Ange with a passion) are pissed and Rosalie almost throws a screw at Ange's head, but then the alarms sound and inform everyone there is an intruder. A scene later, Momoka is surrounded and activates her Mana to defend herself, and Ange walks by and recognizes her. Momoka takes a moment to adjust to Ange's new look, then runs up to her and hugs her, while Ange has o_0 look on her face. Later, Emma is pulling up Momoka's records, gets off the phone with the higher-ups, then realizes they are fucked if Momoka returns to the free world, as that will possibly spill the beans about what happens to the Norma, why they have to fight the DRAGONS, and why they are working so hard to keep NORPs (mana users) fr...

In which I wipe my backside with the touchiness of SJWs

I recently got a comment to one of my previous posts where someone was offended by my use of the word "faggot", assuming I used it as a homophobic slur, when the context in which the word was used did not imply that at all. I have to admit I'm not surprised, though. Words have meaning depending on context, but SJWs don't care. They just assume the worst and cry bigotry, and while I can understand doing so for a word like "nigger" (which has a very obvious racial insult attached), the word "faggot" originally referred to firewood bundles, and is commonly used all over the internet as a bog standard way of saying something or someone is utterly stupid/useless. That said, I am amused someone who assume me to be a homophobic bigot, especially since I have both gay relatives, gay friends, and even a gay coworker at Orain, all of whom I respect very highly as people and would happily take a bullet for any of them because I don't think their sexua...

Why Something Awful and TV Tropes are not so different, and why they suck as result

I have a bone to pick with both sites, the former for being full of sanctimonious egomanical moderators who are largely corrupt and incompetent who happen to be deviants and utter losers taking marching orders from an easily butthurt middle aged man with no marketable talents and a pill and booze addiction, and the latter because their moderators are little better and they are run by a senior citizen who is also easily butthurt who, while having marketable talents, uses them to prop up an aging piece of crap for a wiki engine, and who sold out his site's integrity like Lowtax did his so he make money off of it, and as result I think very little of both men and their subordinates in a professional sense. That said, both, despite their differences in age, could have been separated at birth. Something Awful used to not give a crap about forum invasions, hosted torrents, and was the predecessor to 4chan (until m00t sold out his integrity as well) in being a legitimately funny and ent...

In which I show exasperation at the idiocy of Nate Spidgewood

In an earlier blog post, I called out a really stupid wiki troll by the name of Nate Spidgewood (go read his Encyclopedia Dramatica article for more details), an imbecile who for almost three years now has attempted to troll TV Tropes as some stupid revenge for throwing him out, even though it was him being a total ass to their moderators that got him cast out. He even edited briefly on my Wikia fork of All The Tropes and it's predecessor, and I eventually permabanned him after I got fed up with him using my wiki as his rebound center after his trolling sprees on TVT, and since that nimrod has yet to learn his lesson, I'm going to repeat myself in stronger language. Nate, give the fuck up. TV Tropes NEVER WANTS YOU BACK, and frankly, I don't blame them. Yes, they have a stupid set of rules, an incompetent and corrupt moderation team, and the place is run by a shameless whore for advertising money who wipes his ass with copyright law, but doing the equivalent of getting fi...

Cross Ange Episode 5

We begin Episode 5 shortly after Episode 4, with the last dragon falling into the ocean dead. Everyone but Salia writes off the Vilkiss/Ange as dead, and while it's obvious Salia mostly worries about the Vilkiss and Hilda cares about neither it or Ange herself, Jill tells Salia to return to base and they'll send a recovery team for the Vilkiss later. We then cut to the scene shown in the beginning credits of Episode 4 where Ange meets the guy she woke up naked in bed with, and not only does he seem as uncomfortable as her, he looks somewhat less like a Kira Yamato ripoff up close. He apologizes for tying her up, citing it as a just in case measure (she IS a soldier now, makes sense), but Ange is more worked up over being naked (the fact her uniform is lying on a table means he removed it from her body, which has her noticeably upset. He turns around to continue introductions, slips on a bottle on the floor, and lands face first in her crotch. He's profusely embarrasse...

The fail and incompetence of TV Tropes discussion pages.

TV Tropes, despite claims to the contrary by their moderation, runs on a copy of PmWiki, and while most of the features have been heavily altered by Fast Eddie, the core rules of PmWiki still apply, and in this case, this just bit Fast Eddie on the ass recently. PmWiki has a size limit of 500KB of content per page before data errors in saving occur, and while this can be solved for main pages via splitting them into subpages or archiving chunks of the data on another pages, the talk pages use a customized threading format by Fast Eddie that unfortunately lacks the ability to be archived as effectively as a standard MediaWiki talk page due to the specialized structure of the page (which resembles their Ask The Tropers page without the scrolling feed of the most recent posts), or even a LiquidThreads enabled MW talk page, which organizes talk pages into a topic list it breaks down into subpages automatically. The result is that he has to manually cobble together a solution for any ta...