Fiore Sardo and Smoked Mozzarella, my impressions
I decided to get two cheeses on opposite ends of the texture scale: Smoked Mozzarella for the softer side, and Fiore Sardo for the harder. I've had several other Italian cheeses and regular Mozzarella, but I was intrigued by both of the cheeses above, hence this review. Fiore Sardo is a somewhat lesser-known cheese than other Pecorino (sheep) cheeses. The name stems from the original method of curdling the cheese via cardoon thistle flowers (much like how vinegar is an alternative source of curdling to rennet). Modern Fiore Sardo is however made using regular animal rennet. The original variety is said to date back to the Bronze Age, ergo this is a cheese with a very long historical pedigree. The name is, loosely translated, "Flower of Sardinia", since Fiore means flower and the Sardo is short for Sardinia. Legally, only Fiore Sardo can be sold outside of Italy, it has an alternative version of itself that is combined with cheese fly larvae, which is banned outside of It...